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Benytt deg av den nye Signature Cloud support!

Signature Cloud Support er en ny fordel for partnere med en cloud competency. Denne typen support gir deg mulighet til å få rådgivning fra våre skyeksperter. Du har tilgang til blant annet disse tjenestene:

  • Signature Cloud support can be used for most break/fix scenarios in Office 365 and Azure.

  •  The difference between cloud signature support and current MPN technical support is that this support is a break/fix support for our cloud services, in theory you could use your product support incidents, but you will not get the same escalated experience. If SCS receives an Advisory call they will warm transfer to and engineer who can help.

  • The difference with Signature support and Azure Support Plan offers multiple tiers of support plans for customers and partners to choose from to meet their needs. Signature Cloud Support provides qualified MPN partners with free unlimited support instances that are equivalent to the Standard-level Azure paid support which cost approximately $1000 a month.  

For mer informasjon om Signature Cloud Support se vedlagt presentasjon.

Benefit Overview_Signature Cloud Support 9 2 14.pptx


  • Anonymous
    September 24, 2014
    Markedet endrer seg raskt, og Microsoft ønsker å være en ledende aktør
  • Anonymous
    January 28, 2015
    Markedet endrer seg raskt, og Microsoft ønsker å være en ledende aktør i det
  • Anonymous
    February 04, 2015
    M icrosoft Azure introduksjon Microsoft Azure er en åpen og fleksibel nettskyplattform. Det gjør det