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Have you heard the news? Excel is 25 yrs old.

Amazing isn’t it.  25 years of calculation goodness.  The Excel team has put together a few videos to celebrate the occasion which are really well done.  You can find them on their Facebook page along with a wealth of other information, as well as below.  Excel-lence gives a quick history of Excel and the many many many ways Excel is used by users all over the world from the 80s, 90s, and today, while Excel history has some very interesting insight to the early thinking that went into Multiplan, how it worked on a variety of platforms, the decision to release it first on the Mac, and the making of the Office Suite.   Don’t’ forget to enter the Excel contest, and of course, download PowerPivot to see how we are innovating and taking Excel to the next level. 

My favorite use of Excel you ask?  Besides my budget, business analysis (you know, the stuff I can’t talk about), what-if scenarios, gadget shopping analysis (right now it’s 3D TVs), 80s arcade hits, and so so much more?  AC/DC video you can download here..  You rock my world Excel.  Here’s to another 25 years and many more scenarios.

25 years of Excel-lence

Excel History

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