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Office 2007: Etude Forrester sur les impacts de la nouvelle interface Fluent .:. Forrester study on impacts of the new Fluent UI

Forrester Research Inc. La nouvelle étude de Forrester sur l'impact de l'interface d'Office 2007 de ce mois de Juillet 2007 confirme les tendances de celle effectuée en Septembre dernier. On y trouve de nouveaux éléments tels que l'impact par application et par type d'utilisateur. Cette étude a été effectuée sur la version RTM (Release To Market) du produit. Voici quelques résultats intéressants à regarder!

The new July 2007 Forrester study on the impact of the new Office 2007 Fluent UI confirms the trends of the study done last September. New elements can be found such as impact depending on applications or type of users. This study has been realized with the RTM (Release To Market) version of the product. These are some interesting results!

  • Les personnes interrogées ont un avis positif quant à l'interface utilisateur à travers toute une gamme d'avantages - Respondents are positive about the user interface across a range of benefits

Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree
with the following statements about the new user interfaceBenefits of the UI


  • Les personnes interrogées ont un avis positif quant à la facilité d'utilisation comparée aux anciennes version d'Office - Respondents are positive about ease-of-use compared to previous versions of Office

Which of the following best describes your experience with new user interface
compared to previous versions of Office?



  • Les utilisateurs sont très satisfaits de la nouvelle interface, comparée aux anciennes versions - User satisfaction with the new user interface, compared to previous versions, is high

When compared to my previous version of Office I am...

Satisfaction of the new UI


  • La majorité des personnes interrogées pensent être plus productives avec la nouvelle UI - The majority of respondents believe they are more productive with the new user interface

How would you compare your productivity on your previous version of Microsoft Office
to your productivity today?



  • En moyenne, les utilisateurs disent avoir besoin de 2 à 3 semaines pour être aussi productifs avec l'interface Fluent qu'ils l'étaient avec les anciennes versions - On average, users say it takes 2-3 weeks to become as productive on the Fluent user interface as they were with previous versions

“Please use scale below to indicate your productivity using the new version
compared to your previous version of Office.
Select 1 response for every week you have used the new version”

Temps d'adaptation


  • La majorité des utilisateurs n'utilisent pas de formation lors de leur phase de transition à la nouvelle interface - The majority of respondents are not using training during their transition to the new user interface

Which of the following types of training did you use as you started using the new user interface?

Use of trainings

Which of the following types of training do you think are necessary to get up to speed on the new UI?

Nessecity of trainings

  • Les personnes interrogées qui ont ressenti la nécessité d'une formation indiquent qu'une formation de moins d'un jour suffit - The respondents who indicate training is necessary indicate less than a day of training is required

How many hours of the following types of training do you think are necessary
to become proficient with the new version of Microsoft Office?

Training less than a day 


  • Word, Excel, Outlook et PowerPoint sont les applications les plus utilisées - Among respondents Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint are the most commonly used programs

Which Office applications do you use regularly? (Select all that apply)

Most commonly used applications


  • Les version d'Office les plus utilisées par les entreprises avant Office 2007 - The most commonly used versions of Office par companies before Office 2007

Which version of Office were you using before you started using
the new version of Microsoft Office? (select one)

Version of Office used before Office 2007

Technorati Tags: Forrester study, Fluent UI, Office 2007