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Silverlight RTM Blueprint Samples for SharePoint & Internet Application


The SharePoint and Silverlight Blueprints on CodePlex were updated to include two more Silverlight RTM samples:

  1. custom navigation in SharePoint
  2. the colleague viewer

These blueprints provide samples for you to build and explore using Silverlight as an alternate way to develop and integrate powerful user experiences within SharePoint and add rich Internet application functionality to your SharePoint sites. Included in the overall set of samples are a Hello World sample, a Slider sample, and the recently added Custom Navigation and Colleague Viewer samples added today. You can download the samples along with documentation and screencasts by clicking here.

For more resources on how to integrate Silverlight and SharePoint, be sure to visit Microsoft’s SharePoint Developer site. You might also want to check out the upcoming title from Wrox Press entitled “Professional SharePoint Development using Microsoft Silverlight 2”.

Happy coding with Silverlight!

Steve Fox

Senior Technical Evangelist