Dynamic Execution Prevention
Back with Windows XP SP2 we introduced a feature called Dynamic Execution Prevention (DEP). A technology to prevent an application to execute on the data memory. It basically makes use of the NX-flag of the CPU.
I realized a few weeks ago, that my Vista had DEP switched off, so I went to investigate and saw the the NX feature was disabled in the BIOS, which was really not what I expected.
Michael Howard just published a bog about it. It seems that the OEM vendors decided to switch it on by default now was an other feature in Vista called ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) needs this DEP as well.
So, check your BIOS settings and read Michael's post: https://blogs.msdn.com/michael_howard/archive/2006/12/06/windows-vista-aslr-dep-and-oems.aspx