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Vuoi partecipare all’evento che crea startup in 54 ore? Vieni allo Startup Weekend Torino

La settimana prossima si svolgerà a Torino lo Startup Weekend (SUW per gli amici) dove si potrà lavorare insieme per creare startup tecnologiche in 54 ore e,per chi sopravvive, poter presentare la propria idea imprenditoriale ad una giuria di senior managers e investors...

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Mega Startup Weekend with BizSpark


Questa la nostra squadra per il SUW di Torino:


Adriano Marconetto: Co-founder and C.E.O. at Electro Power Systems SpA

Emil Abirascid: Curator of StartupDigest Italy at StartupDigest

Mario Mariani: Founder of The Net Value - ICT and New Media Venture Incubator



Francesco Ferrero: Head of ISMB’s Smart City Strategic Program

Andrea Baldini: Principal at Earlybird

Ruben Abbattista: Director of IED Management Lab and President of Spin-to srl

Gianluca Dettori: Founder and President of dPixel



Giampaolo Mancini: Founder and C.E.O. at Trampoline  

Fabio Lalli: Mobile Digital Strategist and Visionary

Nicola Mattina: Founder and C.E.O. at Elastic

Leonardo Camiciotti: Development Program Manager at TOP-IX Consortium

Christian Racca: Design Engineer @ TOP-IX Consortium

Fabrizio Parzanese :Product development manager at Neomobile S.p.A.

Bruno Bellissimo: C.T.O. at Qurami & co-founder

Giusy Cannone: Start-Up Initiative, Intesa Sanpaolo Bank

Pietro Brambati: Evangelist @ Microsoft


Vi aspettiamo

il team di SUW Torino