Delen via

Clarification on Registry Key discoveries


Ran across this in my travels, difficulty getting a monitor to work properly

To clarify some of the registry MP fragments, make sure you follow the whole path

This post is to help with using the Monitor.RegistryValue.Exists.mpx fragment



Example - Verify Registry Key under TestService


This is an excerpt from the MP Fragment header

    This fragment includes a Monitor which checks for the existence of a registry VALUE
 RegValuePath - needs to be in the format of "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CCM\HttpPort" or "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CcmExec\Start" as HKLM is assumed
 RegValueName - needs to be the actual Reg VALUE name or your description of it (NO SPACES or special characters allowed) such as "HttpPort"
Version: 1.1
LastModified: 29-May-2017

In the MP Fragment, you substitute the variables




Registry Key = HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HealthService\Test

Fragment variable (##RegValueName##) = SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HealthService\Test

AttributeName or ##RegValueName## is simply whatever you want to call the attribute

Simply the name of the Registry value for my example is Test

Substitute ##RegValueName## for Test


If you're testing in the lab, decrease frequency so you don't have to wait as long


Remember to increase the frequency when you're done


Upload MP (don't forget to version your pack!)


Watch Health Explorer and test away adding or removing your key


Helpful testing tips to add a key to the registry and flip the health

reg add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TestService" /v "Test" /t REG_SZ /d Test

reg delete "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TestService" /v "Test"