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MBVQueryBuilder tool : What and Why ?



As mentioned in a previous post //, I make available publicly now on my blog a tool complementary to MBV which will allow you to create easily and quickly your custom queries for MBV.


What is MBVQueryBuilder ?

This tool allow in fact to create quickly and easily additional queries for MBV tool
This tool can create and update a Query Repository XML file with all queries you will create and allow also to generate the queries you want in an XML MBV Extension file starting with name "MBVEXT".

Why MBVQueryBuilder ?  

MBV use a custom Health Check engine I developed ("MyHC" Engine) which is easily extensible in tem of queries and rules.
This extensibility is made possible via any XML file starting with name "MBVEXT" and located in same folder than MBV.

These MBV Extension File contain additional custom queries (with their rules if exist) which will appear in additional Queries tabs in MBV gui interface.

To generate easily and quickly such MBV Extension XML files, it became obvious to create a tool to do it.


Where to download laetst version of this tool ?


Where can I find a quick help on this tool ?


Ler me know please your feedbacks, questions, and suggestions about this tool
