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Microsoft SQL Server 2014 PowerShell cmdlet popularity

If you follow the blog, you probably saw a little PowerShell script I published a while back to measure the popularity of the cmdlets in a certain module using a Bing search. As an example, that blog showed the popularity of the cmdlets in the SmbShare module.

Now I got curious about how the cmdlets in other modules would rank, so I spun up some Azure virtual machines to try some other modules. I decided to try the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 main module (named SQLPS).


The results are listed below:

PS C:\> .\PopularCmdlet.ps1 | Sort BingCount -Descending | FT -AutoSize

CmdletName BingCount
---------- ---------
Invoke-Sqlcmd 70700
Backup-SqlDatabase 34100
Restore-SqlDatabase 20300
Get-SqlDatabase 7250
Invoke-PolicyEvaluation 7170
Enable-SqlAlwaysOn 5460
Add-SqlAvailabilityDatabase 4230
Test-SqlAvailabilityGroup 4050
Get-SqlInstance 3850
Encode-SqlName 3040
Set-SqlAvailabilityReplica 2970
Test-SqlAvailabilityReplica 2680
Join-SqlAvailabilityGroup 2350
Switch-SqlAvailabilityGroup 2330
Test-SqlDatabaseReplicaState 2250
Set-SqlHADREndpoint 2230
Set-SqlAvailabilityGroupListener 1930
Remove-SqlAvailabilityDatabase 1920
Convert-UrnToPath 1790
Decode-SqlName 1690
Disable-SqlAlwaysOn 1370
Remove-SqlAvailabilityReplica 1290
Set-SqlAvailabilityGroup 1100
Suspend-SqlAvailabilityDatabase 1070
Resume-SqlAvailabilityDatabase 1050
Remove-SqlAvailabilityGroup 889
Add-SqlAvailabilityGroupListenerStaticIp 50
New-SqlBackupEncryptionOption 34
Get-SqlSmartAdmin 34
Set-SqlSmartAdmin 31
Get-SqlCredential 28
Set-SqlCredential 25
Remove-SqlCredential 23
Set-SqlAuthenticationMode 20
Test-SqlSmartAdmin 18
Start-SqlInstance 15
Stop-SqlInstance 15
Set-SqlNetworkConfiguration 10
Add-SqlFirewallRule 9
Remove-SqlFirewallRule 9
New-SqlAvailabilityGroup 5
New-SqlAvailabilityGroupListener 4
New-SqlHADREndpoint 3
New-SqlCredential 3
New-SqlAvailabilityReplica 3

PS C:\>