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SharePoint and BizTalk Events - 2009

 Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 effectively can help make your people, processes and existing business systems operate more efficiently. Microsoft and Solidsoft will tell you how at the most in-depth presentation on Microsoft's BizTalk Server 2006, SharePoint 2007, BPM and SOA available in the UK. A recent delegate said: "Thanks for a really great day last week at Microsoft... the best technical and functional presentations around BizTalk, SharePoint and SOA I have seen to date..."

When and where? Tuesday 27 January 20099.30am - 4.00pm at Microsoft's London OfficesTuesday 3 March 20099.30am - 4.00pm at Microsoft's Reading OfficesView alternative dates here

To register please contact Pam McClelland by responding to this email , by phone on 01256 375700 or by registering on our web site

Who should attend? IT decision makers, IT managers, chief technology officers and architects

Seminar OverviewThis briefing will illustrate how the use of Microsoft's BizTalk Server 2006 and SharePoint 2007 with an effective SOA and BPM strategy will maximise the value of your exisitng systems and data. Making them and your organisation more integrated, efficient, innovative, agile and adaptive in this difficult economic climate. Solidsoft consultants will explain the capabilities of these technologies and illustrate them with customer examples, best practice insights and guidance on what investment is needed to be successful.AgendaThe day will be split into six sessions:

Session 1

Defining the BPM and SOA paradigms: will show how business success can be achieved by delivering BPM solutions on a SOA

Session 2

Introduction to the capabilities of BizTalk Server 2006 R2: Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Trading Partner Integration (TPI), Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), SOA, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) illustrated with real customer examples

Session 3

A demonstration of BizTalk Server 2006 in action: by Charles Young, BizTalk Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP)

Session 4

Introduction to the capabilities of SharePoint 2007: Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Enterprise Search, Workflow and Business Forms, Business Intelligence (BI), collaboration and portals illustrated with real customer examples.

Session 5

A demonstration of SharePoint 2007 in action by Solidsoft consultants

Session 6

Real world BPM and SOA in action with BizTalk 2006 and SharePoint 2007: an in-depth customer case study highlighting the business efficiencies that can be achieved through the implementation of this type of solution.


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To read more about Solidsoft - Microsoft Global Partner of the Year Finalist click here

Why attend? This is the most in-depth presentation in the UK on Microsoft's BizTalk Server 2006, SharePoint 2007 and SOA.

Why Solidsoft?

Solidsoft is a Microsoft Gold Partner specialising in Business Process and Integration (BPI)

Solidsoft was Microsoft's Global Partner of the Year 2006-2007 and a BPI Partner of the Year Finalist in 2008

Solidsoft has successfully implemented over 200 BizTalk and SharePoint solutions for customers

Solidsoft's expert consultants are full time employees, not contractors

Solidsoft is a member of Microsoft's UK Architect Council

Solidsoft is a member of Microsoft's Connected Systems Division's Partner Advisory Council advising on the development of the next generation of BizTalk Server

For more information visit
