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Visionary Leadership: How To Be a Visionary Leader (Or at Least Look Like One)

Note: The updated page is at Visionary Leadership.

“Remember this: Anticipation is the ultimate power. Losers react; leaders anticipate.” – Tony Robbins

Have you ever noticed how some leaders have a knack for "the art of the possible" and for making it relevant to the current landscape?

They are Visionary Leaders and they practice Visionary Leadership.

Visionary Leaders inspire us and show us how we can change the world, at least our slice of it, and create the change we want to be.

Visionary Leaders see things early and they connect the dots.

Visionary Leaders luck their way into the future.  They practice looking ahead for what's pertinent and what's probable.

Visionary Leaders also practice telling stories.  They tell stories of the future and how all the dots connect in a meaningful way.

And they put those stories of the future into context.  They don't tell disjointed stories, or focus on flavor-of-the-month fads.  That's what Trend Hoppers do.

Instead, Visionary Leaders focus on meaningful trends and insights that will play a role in shaping the future in a relevant way.

Visionary leaders tell us compelling stories of the future in a way that motivates us to take action and to make the most of what's coming our way.

Historians, on the other hand, tell us compelling stories of the past.

They excite us with stories about how we've "been there, and done that."

By contrast, Visionary Leaders win our hearts and minds with "the art of the possible" and inspire us to co-create the future, and to use future insights to own our destiny.

And Followers, well, they follow.

Not because they don't see some things coming.  But because they don't see things early enough, and they don't turn what they see into well-developed stories with coherence.

If you want to build your capacity for vision and develop your skills as a Visionary Leader, start to pay attention to signs of the future and connect the dots in a meaningful way.

With great practice, comes great progress, and progressing even a little in Visionary Leadership can make a world of difference for you and those around you.

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