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Uninstalling Visual Studio Team Suite, Visual Studio Standard or Visual Studio Professional Editions

If you have installed previous versions of Visual Studio 2005, such as Beta 1 or Community Technical Preview (CTP) builds of Visual Studio Team Suite, Visual Studio Standard or Visual Studio Professional, then you must uninstall the pre-Beta2 components in the exact order below before beginning to install any version of Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2. Be sure to uninstall Framework last.


1. Go to the Control Panel and launch Add/Remove Programs

2. Remove "Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional" or other related IDE installs such as (Visual Studio Professional/Standard/Enterprise Architect/Team Suite, etc.)

3. Remove "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition"

4. Remove "Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools Express Edition"

5. Remove "Microsoft SQL Native Client"

6. Remove "Microsoft Visual Studio 64bit Prerequisites Beta"

7. Remove "Microsoft MSDN Express Library 2005 Beta"

8. Remove "Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office System 2005 Runtime Beta"

9. Remove "Microsoft Device Emulator 1.0 Beta"

10. Remove all Microsoft Visual Studio Versions (such as Visual Studio 2005 Professional Beta)

11. Remove "Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Beta"

12. Remove "Microsoft SQL Mobile 2005 Development Tools"

13. Remove "Microsoft Visual J# .NET Redistributable 2.0 Beta Japanese (Or other language) Language Pack. // This step is not needed if you only have the English Edition. This step is needed for localized Product. E.g. Japanese Express Edition

14. Remove "Microsoft Visual J# Redistributable Package 2.0 Beta". If you receive an error message, see Note 1 below

15. Remove "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta - Japanese (Or other language) Language pack. // This step is not needed if you only have the English Edition. This step is needed for localized Product. E.g. Japanese Express Edition

16. Remove "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta". If you receive an error message, see Note 2 below


1. If you see an error removing J# .NET Redistributable Package 2.0 from Add/Remove Programs, please run "msiexec /x {9046F10C-F5E7-4871-BED9-8288F19C70DF}" from a command line window

2.   If you see an error removing .NET Framework 2.0 from Add/Remove Programs, please run "msiexec /x {71F8EFBF-09AF-418D-91F1-52707CDFA274}" from a command line window
