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TechEd Beijing 2006 - 09/20/06

I delivered two talks. Intro to Microsoft Local Search. This was my first time of presenting in Chinese. I am a native Chinese speaker and never doubted for a second about my own capability of speaking Chinese even after nearly 9 years in States. Oh, man, I was so wrong and it was so hard to present software releated topic in Chinese!

When I first started, it took me a hour just to work on a short presentation summary. I realized I never learned any computer terms in Chinese before. Thanks to Xi Wang and Frank Yu (EVANGELIST)'s help on my Chinese, I was able to delivery a successful talk in Chinese eventually. BTW, I thought it was cool to have my bio in Chinese!

高虹女士现就任于Windows Live Local Search部担任项目经理。她专门负责 Windows Live Local Search 的第一版本产品规划以及关键技术构想。高虹女士最先加盟微软产品支持部。在那段时间里, 她积累充足的经验充分理解用户以及怎样与用户打交道。在以后的五年时间里,她在产品开发部担任过各种职务,包括Visual Studio项目经理, 核心数据库引擎方面的测试,产品发布等等。高虹拥有核工学士,航空硕士以及计算机科学硕士学位。

Talk summary

您想知道什么是Local Search?您想知道这个市场有多大?有多少潜在的利润可被发掘?谁是这市场的竞争和胜利者。最总要的是究竟微软在作什么。

请参加这个演讲,听高虹给您介绍她的分析的见解。了解巨大的潜在市场 和背后的推动力;体会微软Local Search产品各总惊舍前端功能;理解后端开发思想,以便帮组您探发潜在的商业机会。

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