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Running into Security... in a LasVegas casino...


every little thing has its own story. So does the video which Lori just posted on

The video is on her blog here

When we started recording we thought it might be nice to have this real Las Vegas' flair and record with slot machines in our back. Since we knew it might be semi-alright to do this (meaning not really alright but maybe we wouldn't get caught...) we started to talk... as soon as we switched on the light of the camera we were surrounded by two guys. One of them with a uniform, the other camouflaged with a normal tourist dress. They appeared from nowhere, I never saw them before and never ever after. Very impressive... maybe they have little doors in the slot machines. They were very polite (just as we) and we agreed on us leaving the buildingBig Grin

OK, this time you caught us... but we will be back with a hidden camera... or... maybe it is simply not worth the effort...

By the way we will have the German "Re"Mix - as we call it XTOPIA - in Berlin. Oliver Scheer and I did some videos for the XTOPIA website which we will post in a few hours. I will notice here when they are online... we are somehow proud of them... more later ;-)

