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Reporting Services 2008 - pianificazione

A questo link trovate un documento introduttivo che può essere d'aiuto per pianificare un' installazione di Reporting Services 2008. Vengono proposti 4 scenari, due dei quali in alta affidabilità. Per un' infrastruttura scalabile sono necessari :



Edition requirements

Scale-out deployment is supported in the following editions: Enterprise, Developer, and Evaluation.

Standard, Workgroup, and Express editions do not support a scale-out deployment.

Version requirements

All of the report servers must be the same major version, and they must have the same updates and service packs.

Domain requirements

All of the report servers must be in the same domain or in a trusted domain.

Authentication requirements

Report server instances in a scale-out deployment must have the same type of authentication extension. If you created a custom authentication extension, you must deploy and use that extension on all nodes. You should configure the same authentication types on each node in a scale-out deployment.

Because of this restriction, you cannot configure a scale-out deployment to support simultaneous intranet and extranet access to the same report server database through separate report server instances where each instance is configured for different authentication types and authorization rules.

The reason for this restriction is that Reporting Services does not synchronize custom permission settings between the different authentication types. If you break permission inheritance and create role-assignments on specific items, access-denied errors will occur when the item is accessed by a user who was authenticated through the other authentication provider. To work around this issue, you would have to duplicate every item-specific role assignment through both servers to get dual security policies for both authentication extensions. This labor-intensive and error-prone practice is likely to result in access-denied errors. For this reason, the scenario is not supported.