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Windows Small Business Server 2008

Edastan järgmisel nädalal toimuva ürituse kutse, kuhu kõik minu blogi lugejad on oodatud. Registreerimisinfo leidub allpool.

Windows Small Business Server 2008-t (SBS)ja Windows Essential Business Server 2008-t (EBS)tutvustav seminar toimub kolmapäeval, 25. märtsil kell 13.00 Sokos Hotel Viru konverentsikeskuses (Viru väljak 4, Tallinn).

Seminari peaesinejaks on tunnustatud Microsofti tehnoloogiaspetsialist Jamie Burgess Inglismaalt. Ühtlasi esineb Raimo Seero Uptimest – tegemist on SBS/EBS kompetentsiga partneriga.

Ajakava ja teemad:

  • 12.30 – 13.00 Kogunemine, registreerimine, suupisted
  • 13.00 – 14.30Server Infrastructure; Value of Windows & Introduction to Windows 7 (Jamie Burgess)
  • 14.30 – 15.00 Kohvipaus
  • 15.00 – 16.30 Introduction to SBS & EBS; Hardware requirements; Demo (Jamie Burgess)
  • 16.30 – 17.00 SBS & EBS funktsionaalsuste kasutusvõimaluste demo (Raimo Seero, Uptime )
  • 17.00 – 17.30 tagasiside andmine, üllatuste loosimine, vestlusring

Seminaril osalemisest palume teatada hiljemalt reedel, 20. märtsil e-posti aadressil


Taustinfot lugemiseks:

Windows Small Business Server2008 (SBS 2008) is an “all-in-one” server solution designed to help you keep your data more secure and your company more productive. Designed for companies with up to 75 computers, it simplifies server management by bringing together and optimizing key business technologies into a single product. It provides many of the features used by larger companies—e-mail, Internet connectivity, internal Web sites, remote access, support for mobile devices, file and printer sharing, backup, and restore—all at one affordable price. With its remote access capabilities, you can respond to customers and vendors faster and more professionally. And you can be confident that your data is more secure with superior data and system protection. Windows Small Business Server 2008 gives you the tools you need to help grow your business.

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Windows Essential Business Server - today’s small and midsize businesses have many of the same needs as large companies security, up-to-date technology, and remote capabilities—but typically, enterprise products are too complex and costly for smaller entities, and require large staffs and expertise to manage them. Windows® Essential Server Solutions is a family of integrated server software designed to help you overcome these challenges. Based on innovations that simplify the deployment, ongoing management, and use of server technology, Windows Essential Server Solutions provide an integrated IT infrastructure, saving you time and money and significantly increasing productivity.

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