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PKI Installation Made Easy in HD

Who said that implementing PKI is hard? The following one hour video demonstration shows how to implement the most common PKI solution – two tier PKI with Root CA and Subordinate Issuing CA. I’ll discuss the design and why it is done this way, discuss best settings for PKI implementation and show how to do it, step—by-step. After watching this video you will be able to do the same. This video is in High Definition, so you can through it on big screen if you like and watch in all glory details. You can forward and pause, rewind and watch it all over as long as you like.

You can also see this presentation on my blog at

Here is the basic flow of this video demonstration:

  1. Discuss two-tier PKI design.
  2. Show how to install Root CA.
  3. Perform post installation configuration on the Root CA.
  4. Perform pre installation tasks on the Issuing CA.
  5. Show how to install Issuing CA.
  6. Sign Issuing CA cert at the Root CA.
  7. Perform post installation configuration on the Issuing CA.
  8. Verify that our solution is healthy.
  9. Issue Domain Controller Certificate via auto-enrollment.

Stay tuned for future video demonstrations, I’m putting together demonstration on how to implement FIM 2010 Certificate Management solution and use it to issue SSL certificates with management approval workflow.