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Få succes med adoptionen af Microsoft Lync

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Kurserne har fokus på at drive adoption og organisatorisk implementering af Microsoft Lync i din virksomhed og indeholder rådgivning, best-practise, detaljerede eksempler og hands-on aktiviteret.

De 4 kurser afholdes online via virtuelle klasseværelser og er på engelsk.


Introducing Microsoft Lync

Microsoft Lync empowers users to communicate and collaborate easily using a range of tools accessible from a single application, including instant messaging (IM), voice, video, and desktop sharing.

Best Practices for Microsoft Lync Conferencing

Learn best practices for managing Online Meetings using Microsoft Lync. From scheduled conferences to instant application sharing, discover how easy it is to collaborate successfully!

Facilitating a Successful UC Rollout

Deploying a new Unified Communications technology such as Microsoft Lync to your organization? Don’t stop at the desktop! Join us to learn best practices for readiness planning and driving adoption of Unified Communications solutions.

Effective Conferencing with Microsoft Lync: Transitioning from Office Live Meeting

For those making the move from Office Live Meeting to Microsoft Lync. Explore tips for utilizing both new and familiar web conferencing tools to conduct successful Online Meetings using Lync.


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