Delen via

Blind searching – the taste test

Good on Michael Kordahi making a home-grown blind search taste test. In a matter of days his search mash up  had 100,000+ votes and 1.2 million hits promoted only through a viral twitter and blog links.

You can find it located here.


Results are shown without branding and then after you select your preferred results “winner” you see the search engine you selected. Yahoo, Bing or Google.

What I found really fascinating was that if you follow #blindsearch (twitter hashtag) or speak to Michael you will hear about various attempts to skew data and some of the sophistication people have put into it. Michael refers to this to gaming.

Pre-gaming the results I saw showed marginal difference between the three. Of the few searches I did, I received matches on all three ironically enough.

I really haven't figured out why people would but its never-the-less intriguing. I’d recommend following Michael on twitter alias delic8genius to find out more and to hear about some of his great/zany ideas.