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Virtual Server 2005 R2 on Windows Vista RC1

As most of you know, I've been running Windows Vista on my main PCs since Christmas.  You probably also know that my job has me messing around with loads of beta products and that I use Microsoft's Virtualisation products to let me do just that.

I much prefer Virtual Server to Virtual PC (multi threaded, runs virtual machines when not logged on, can access the virtual machines from anywhere - even out of the office over a RAS connection, etc).

Virtual PC 2004 is easy to install onto Vista, but doesn't work all that well.  Virtual Server isn't easy to install and isn't easy to get working (but worth the effort).  A default install of Virtual Server wants IIS to be installed and because of User Account Control, wants to run everything as Administrator.

Up until recently I had literally given up trying and had performed a custom install of Virtual Server, whereby I didn't install the Web Administration.  This just meant that I either managed my virtual machines from another PC (running XP or Windows Server), or used a bunch of scripts to create, start & stop them.  I haven't got any machines running XP anymore and terminal server'ing into a remote server, just to manage a machine running on my desk seemed a little stupid.  I did create an XP virtual machine and managed it's host from within that - but have now given up on that as well.

Now that RC1 of Vista is out, and I'd re-built my desktop, I figured now was the time to "get it right".`

I've cheated a bit (and taken advice from a few existing posts) and have updated this info for RC1.  Thanks to Rob Atkinson and the guys at pro-networks

Here's what you need to do to get Virtual Server 2005 R2 to install & work on Windows Vista RC1:

  • Add IIS to Vista.  Control Panel, Programs, Turn Windows features on or off, Web Management Tools & World Wide Web Services (I've been lazy & selected everything).

Windows Features

  • Change the security settings for the Local Intranet Zone in IE.  IE, Tools, Internet Options, Security, Local Intranet, Custom Level, Automatic logon with current user name and password (you have to do this to get the VS install to work).

Local Intranet Zone

  • Turn off User Account Control (UAC).  Control Panel, User Accounts, User Accounts, Turn User Account Control on or off (again, needed for the VS install to work - you can switch it back on later).

User Account Control

  • Now you can install Virtual Server 2005 R2 (default install).  If it fails for any reason, reboot (I know you shouldn't need to - but hey, Vista is still in beta).  You can turn UAC back on now.
  • To administer Virtual Server, you need to run IE as administrator.  Create a shortcut to

"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" https://localhost/VirtualServer/vswebapp.exe?view=1

  • On the Properties page for this shortcut, click Advanced and select Run as Administrator.

Run As Admin

  • Do the same for the shortcut to the Virtual Machine Remote Control Client

You're done.


