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"Velocity" Distributed Cache: Um novo CTP em Setembro

Devido ao feedback de alguns testadores dos CTPs lançados até agora, o "Velocity" terá um CTP4 antes da sua versão final. O CTP4 tem data de lançamento prevista para meados de Setembro próximo.

Esta versão terá melhorias na instalação e configuração do produto, contadores para o Perfmon, melhorias na segurança dos dados no cache. 

Lista dos contadores que estarão disponíveis no CTP4:

Counter Name


Applicable Category

Total data size (MB)

This counter will represent total size of cached data in Velocity. It does not include cache overhead.

Host, Cache

Total cache misses

This will be total number of requests that couldn’t find the key in cache since the start of the cache service. This gives the information about how efficiently cache is being used.

Host, Cache

Cache miss ratio

This counter gives ratio of ‘number of requests that couldn’t find the key’ to the ‘total number of requests’ since the start of the cache service. And it gives the information about how efficiently cache is being used. It is a ratio of sum of misses to total number of request since the start of the cache service.

Host, Cache

Total Get requests

This will be number of Get requests received from all clients since the start of the cache service.

Host, Cache

Get miss ratio

This will be ratio of ‘number of Get requests which couldn’t find the key’ to the ‘total number of Get requests’. This gives the information about how efficiently cache is being used.

Host, Cache

Total write operations

This will be number of write requests since the start of the cache service. The write requests include Put, Add, Remove,

ResetObjectTimeout, GetAndLock, PutAndLock, Unlock.

Host, Cache

Total active connections

This counter stores number of active connections on the cache host.


Total client requests

This will be total number of requests received from the Velocity client. It includes all of the API calls.


Total requests served

It is a counter for number of requests served and responses sent by the cache host since the start of the cache service. This will provide a rough estimate of the throughput of the cache host.


Average response time (milliseconds)

This counter represents the average response time to service a Velocity client API request on the cache host. The average is taken over all the requests received by the cache host since the start of the cache service.


Total expired Object

This counter stores the number of expired object since the start of the cache service.


Total memory evicted (MB)

This will provide the information about the amount of memory which was freed due to the Eviction procedure on the cache host since the start of the cache service.

Host, Cache

Average age of evicted object (seconds)

It stores average age of evicted Object. This is measure of the efficiency of the eviction procedure.

Host, Cache

Total eviction run

This will be the number of eviction runs since the start of the cache service.


Total evicted Objects

This counter stores the number of evicted object since the start of the cache service.


Total exceptions

This represents the number of Velocity exceptions thrown by the cache host since the start of the cache service.


Total retry exception

This will be total number of retry operation exceptions thrown by the cache host since the start of the cache service.
