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Haiku of the Day

This is the default page for the Haiku of the Day. The Haiku of the Day, at least on this blog, was an article we posted each day of the week (excluding weekends, holidays, and days we decided to do something else) that described a set of Lync Server PowerShell cmdlets. The cmdlets in each day’s article all contained the same noun. For example, article #38 was about the cmdlets with the noun CsAddressBookConfiguration, which include Get-CsAddressBookConfiguration, New-CsAddressBookConfiguration, Remove-CsAddressBookConfiguration, and Set-CsAddressBookConfiguration.


So why Haiku of the Day if this was really Cmdlet Noun of the Day? Well, first of all, Cmdlet Noun of the Day doesn’t sound as good. But second, and most important, we began each article with a haiku about that particular noun. Something like this:


Where's Waldo? And where

Is Carmen Sandiego?

CS Address Book.


Clever, huh?


As much fun as this was, we eventually ran out of nouns. So until Lync Server releases some new cmdlets, this article has run its course. But if you’d like to read the articles to learn about all the cmdlets we’ve discussed and haiku’ed so far, take a look at the Haiku Archive .


And who knows, if we ever do get some new cmdlets, you may just see this series start up again.

