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MPInfo Utility - A command line utility to dump AKM descriptions and Versions

This utility allows you to easily identify which versions of .AKM files you previously copied to a folder and have since forgotten which version it is (something I do all the time).

This utility is supplied 'AS-IS' with no support from Microsoft Corporation or myself.

This utility needs to be installed on a Management Server in an independent folder to that of the MOM Installation.

Installation: The files MPInfo.exe and Interop.MOMMPSupportLib.dll must be installed on a MOM 2005 Management Server
in an independent folder to that of the MOM Installation folder.

Command line options: MPInfo.exe <foldername>
e.g. MPInfo c:\mps

Execution without a command line parameter will scan the current working directory.

Sample output:

Management Pack Info (Ver 1.0)

File name = c:\mps\Microsoft SQL Server MP.akm
MP Description = This management pack monitors Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Rule Group GUID = {E568AADF-75FD-11D3-A7AF-0090270D3D83}
Rule Group Version 09.0.1399.0700
Rule Group Name Microsoft SQL Server

File name = c:\mps\MicrosoftOperationsManager2005.akm
MP Description = The Microsoft Operations Manager Management 2005 Pack module monitors events placed in the Application event log by Operations Manager,
as well as the performance of Operations Manager components. This Management Pack module highlights events that may indicate possible service outages or configu
ration problems, so you can quickly take corrective or preventative actions. For example, this Management Pack module alerts you of the following critical condi

* Operations Manager 2005 cannot monitor the specified application log files due to file format issues
* Operations Manager 2005 cannot monitor performance counters due to configuration issues
* Operations Manager 2005 cannot monitor SNMP traps due to SNMP errors
* Operations Manager 2005 Consolidator cannot find the Data Access Server (DAS)
* Operations Manager 2005 DAS cannot find the database

This Management Pack module quickly brings any failures or configuration problems to your attention, increasing the availability and performance of Operations M
anager. This Management Pack module provides the knowledge and expertise you need to leverage Operations Manager and get an immediate return on your investment.

Rule Group GUID = {C996702D-1CEA-42AD-976A-CACDD6233654}
Rule Group Version 05.0.3100.0000
Rule Group Name Microsoft Operations Manager

File name = c:\mps\MicrosoftWindowsBaseOperatingSystem.akm
MP Description = This management pack monitors the Microsoft Windows Servers (NT 4.0 or higher)
Rule Group GUID = {A063E5E8-6D4B-11D3-8803-0090270D4908}
Rule Group Version 05.0.3100.0000
Rule Group Name Microsoft Windows Servers Base Operating System