Delen via

Some simple Powershell commands to distribute users in a Skype/Lync Pool by A-K and L-Z

Hi All

I recently wanted to script up distributing users A-K and L-Z across two EE pools. I wanted to something quick and dirty, so this is by no means elegant (which I am hoping to work on :)). But in case you want to do something like this please feel free to use.

Happy Skype/Lync'ing


PS Make sure you test in a dev environment before you run this.


## Function: Move-UserBySurname

function Move-UserBySurname


param ([string]$strFilter,[string]$strPoolName,[bool]$UpdateUser=$False)


[string] $strResult = "";

Get-CsADUser -Filter {enabled -eq $True -and lastname -like $strFilter} | %{


## If UpdateUser flag not set, no update happens, good for testing

write-host "$i - Processing $strSIP"

If ($UpdateUser) {move-csuser -Identity $strSIP -Target $strPoolName -Confirm:$false}





## Alter the UpdateUser flag to $False if you want to just do a quick scan but not move





## I am being lazy here and not including all the letters of the alphabet. was thinking of something more graceful, but got bored :)



foreach ($strSurname in $ary) {


write-host "Processing $strSurname"

Move-UserBySurname $strSurname $strPool1 $UpdateUser



## I am being lazy here and not including all the letters of the alphabet. was thinking of something more graceful, but got bored :)



foreach ($strSurname in $ary) {


write-host "Processing $strSurname"

Move-UserBySurname $strSurname $strPool2 $UpdateUser



Below is a sample of me running a cut down version of the script. I am also using a filtered OU to restrict even further, which might be something you want to play with. NOTE: $UpdateUser is set to $False as I am playing around.