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Creating overrides using the SDK

Here is some sample code that I wanted to share for creating overrides using the SDK. In scenarios where you need to automate the creation of overrides, this can become useful:

Creating a Rule Override:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring;

namespace SDKSamples


    class Program



        static void Main(string[] args)


            ManagementGroup mg;

            ManagementPack mp;

            MonitoringClassCriteria classCriteria;

            MonitoringClass monitoringClass;

            MonitoringRuleCriteria ruleCriteria;

            MonitoringRule rule;

            ManagementPackRulePropertyOverride ruleOverride;

            mg = new ManagementGroup("localhost");

            mp = mg.GetManagementPacks("OverrideTestMP")[0];

            classCriteria = new MonitoringClassCriteria("Name='Microsoft.SQLServer.2005.Database'");

            monitoringClass = mg.GetMonitoringClasses(classCriteria)[0];

            ruleCriteria = new MonitoringRuleCriteria("DisplayName='Collect Database Free Space (%)'");

            rule = monitoringClass.GetMonitoringRules(ruleCriteria)[0];

            ruleOverride = new ManagementPackRulePropertyOverride(mp, "SampleRuleOverride");

            ruleOverride.Rule = rule;

            ruleOverride.Property = ManagementPackWorkflowProperty.Enabled;

            ruleOverride.Value = "false";

            ruleOverride.Context = monitoringClass;

            ruleOverride.DisplayName = "SampleRuleOverride";



            //Save the changes into the management pack.






Creating a Monitor Override:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring;

namespace SDKSamples


    class Program



        static void Main(string[] args)


            ManagementGroup mg;

            ManagementPack mp;

            MonitoringClassCriteria classCriteria;

            MonitoringClass monitoringClass;

            MonitorCriteria monitorCriteria;

            ManagementPackMonitor monitor;

            ManagementPackMonitorPropertyOverride monitorOverride;

            mg = new ManagementGroup("localhost");

            mp = mg.GetManagementPacks("OverrideTestMP")[0];

            classCriteria = new MonitoringClassCriteria("Name='Microsoft.SQLServer.2005.Database'");

            monitoringClass = mg.GetMonitoringClasses(classCriteria)[0];

            monitorCriteria = new MonitorCriteria("DisplayName='Database Status'");

            monitor = mg.GetMonitors(monitorCriteria)[0];

            monitorOverride = new ManagementPackMonitorPropertyOverride(mp, "SampleMonitorOverride");

            monitorOverride.Monitor = monitor;

            monitorOverride.Property = ManagementPackMonitorProperty.Enabled;

            monitorOverride.Value = "false";

            monitorOverride.Context = monitoringClass;

            monitorOverride.DisplayName = "SampleMonitorOverride";



            //Save the changes into the management pack.





Creating a Discovery Override:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring;

namespace SDKSamples


    class Program



        static void Main(string[] args)


            ManagementGroup mg;

            ManagementPack mp;

            MonitoringClassCriteria classCriteria;

            MonitoringClass monitoringClass;

            MonitoringDiscoveryCriteria discoveryCriteria;

            MonitoringDiscovery discovery;

            ManagementPackDiscoveryPropertyOverride discoveryOverride;

            mg = new ManagementGroup("localhost");

            mp = mg.GetManagementPacks("OverrideTestMP")[0];

            classCriteria = new MonitoringClassCriteria("Name='Microsoft.SQLServer.2005.DBEngine'");

            monitoringClass = mg.GetMonitoringClasses(classCriteria)[0];

            discoveryCriteria = new MonitoringDiscoveryCriteria("Name='Microsoft.SQLServer.2005.DatabaseDiscoveryRule'");

            discovery = mg.GetMonitoringDiscoveries(discoveryCriteria)[0];

            discoveryOverride = new ManagementPackDiscoveryPropertyOverride(mp, "SampleDiscoveryOverride");

            discoveryOverride.Discovery = discovery;

            discoveryOverride.Property = ManagementPackWorkflowProperty.Enabled;

            discoveryOverride.Value = "false";

            discoveryOverride.Context = monitoringClass;

            discoveryOverride.DisplayName = "SampleDiscoveryOverride";



            //Save the changes into the management pack.





Creating a Diagnostic Override:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring;

namespace SDKSamples


    class Program



        static void Main(string[] args)


            ManagementGroup mg;

            ManagementPack mp;

            MonitoringClass monitoringClass;

            MonitoringDiagnosticCriteria diagnosticCriteria;

            MonitoringDiagnostic diagnostic;

            ManagementPackDiagnosticPropertyOverride diagnosticOverride;

            mg = new ManagementGroup("localhost");

            mp = mg.GetManagementPacks("OverrideTestMP")[0];

            monitoringClass = mg.GetMonitoringClass(SystemMonitoringClass.WindowsComputer);

            diagnosticCriteria = new MonitoringDiagnosticCriteria("Name='Microsoft.SystemCenter.ManagedComputer.Ping.ICMPDiagnostic'");

            diagnostic = mg.GetMonitoringDiagnostics(diagnosticCriteria)[0];

            diagnosticOverride = new ManagementPackDiagnosticPropertyOverride(mp, "SampleDiagnosticOverride");

            diagnosticOverride.Diagnostic = diagnostic;

            diagnosticOverride.Property = ManagementPackWorkflowProperty.Enabled;

            diagnosticOverride.Value = "false";

            diagnosticOverride.Context = monitoringClass;

            diagnosticOverride.DisplayName = "SampleDiagnosticOverride";



            //Save the changes into the management pack.





Creating a recovery override:


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

using System.Text;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Administration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration;

using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring;

namespace SDKSamples


    class Program



        static void Main(string[] args)


            ManagementGroup mg;

            ManagementPack mp;

            MonitoringClassCriteria monitoringClassCriteria;

            MonitoringClass monitoringClass;

            MonitoringRecoveryCriteria recoveryCriteria;

            MonitoringRecovery recovery;

            ManagementPackRecoveryPropertyOverride recoveryOverride;

            mg = new ManagementGroup("localhost");

            mp = mg.GetManagementPacks("OverrideTestMP")[0];

            monitoringClassCriteria = new MonitoringClassCriteria("Name='Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthServiceWatcher'");

            monitoringClass = mg.GetMonitoringClasses(monitoringClassCriteria)[0];

            recoveryCriteria = new MonitoringRecoveryCriteria("Name='Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService.Recovery.AutoReinstallAgent'");

            recovery = mg.GetMonitoringRecoveries(recoveryCriteria)[0];

            recoveryOverride = new ManagementPackRecoveryPropertyOverride(mp, "SampleRecoveryOverride");

            recoveryOverride.Recovery = recovery;

            recoveryOverride.Property = ManagementPackWorkflowProperty.Enabled;

            recoveryOverride.Value = "false";

            recoveryOverride.Context = monitoringClass;

            recoveryOverride.DisplayName = "SampleRecoveryOverride";



            //Save the changes into the management pack.






  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2008
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2008
    The problem is likely becaues the class called MyGroupName is not defined in the same MP as the override. Could that be in your case?
  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2008
    Is that a requirement that the class/group is in the same MP as the override?
  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2008
    I start with a Management pack that that contains overrides to disable every rule in a management pack.  then based on SLA, I enable only those that apply.the complicating factor here is that I need to apply the over-ride to a group that allows it's memberships to change but you cannot do that with a group in an unsealed management pack..  What I did was create a management pack (call it "Child MP") which has a group "My Child Group" that I modify on a regular basis.  I then created a management pack (call it "Parent MP") in which I created "My Parent Group" and nested "My Child Group" in it.  Next I sealed the "Parent MP" and I use the groups in the "Parent MP" as the target of my over-rides. this works in the console.this allows me to modify members of group "My Child Group" and thus modifies the group membership of "My Parent Group" indirectly.  at the same time, it meets the requirements to target an over-ride to a sealed management pack.I need to control what rules are enabled or disabled based on groups with certain SLA's and thus the requirement I face.  
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2008
    If you create an override and use a class in another management pack as the target of the override, you need to add reference to the MP which defines the class. This can only be done if the class is defined in a sealed MP.
  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2008
    thank you for your reply.  I actually found what the problem was.  There is apparently a VERY LIMITED set of characters you can use when NAMING an override. the Example below only uses alpha and no spaces and thus is no issue (SampleruleOverride).ruleOverride = new ManagementPackRulePropertyOverride(mp, "SampleRuleOverride");)Alpha/Numeric and periods seem to be the only "safe" characters...  anything else kicks up an XSD error.I wrote a function to replace any chars other than the ones above with a period.  this fixed it for me.Again, thank you for taking the time to comment on this.