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Support for MOM 2005 databases on different OS and SQL architectures

Looks like I’m back to Operations Manager (at least for some time;))
Here is a post that will hopefully answer your questions regarding different combinations of OS/SQL architectures and their supportability for MOM 2005 SP1 databases.

There is always some confusion around what architectures of OS and SQL are supported for the MOM 2005 SP1 operational (OnePoint) and reporting (SystemCenterReporting) databases. Here is a short description in a table. Some information is there already on pages: - for SQL 2000 - for SQL 2005

Also thanks to Roberto I added some information regarding running SQL in WOW mode on Itanium.

X86 OS

X64 OS


OnePoint, SQL 2000

Yes, for SQL x86 only

Yes, for SQL x86

Yes, for SQL IA64 only (use momcreatedb from MOM CD Support\IA64 folder)

OnePoint, SQL2005

Yes, for SQL x86 only

Yes, for SQL x86 running in WOWx64 mode

Yes, for SQL x64 (use momcreatedbx64 from Q921278)

Yes, for SQL IA64 only (use momcreatedb from MOM CD Support\IA64 folder)

SystemCenterReporting, SQL 2000

Yes, for SQL x86 only

Yes, for SQL x86 only


SystemCenterReporting, SQL 2005

Yes, for SQL x86 only

Yes, for SQL x86 only


Reporting Server 2000*

Yes for SQL x86 reporting services only

Yes for SQL x86 reporting services only


Reporting Server 2005*

Yes for SQL x86 reporting services only

Yes for SQL x86 reporting services only


* Reporting Server is the server that has SQL Server Reporting Services and MOM reporting component installed (is in fact an IIS front-end for the SystemCenterReporting DB)

There are two crucial points that made this table:

- There is no x64 version of SQL 2000 (there’s only IA64 and x86)

- WOW mode (Windows on Windows) is different for WOWx64 and WOWIA64, therefore:

o  running SQL 2000 or SQL2005 in WOWIA64 mode (running x86 SQL on IA64 OS) is NOT supported

o Running SQL in WOWx64 mode (running x86 SQL on x64 OS) IS supported for SQL Server 2000SP4 and SQL2005