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Home-made XBox 360 auctioned on eBay for $611

OK - this is getting out of hand... :-)

"I never (actually) thought people would bid on this," wrote the seller, who goes by the eBay screen name "silentbarrel," in response to an e-mail inquiry Friday. "I thought most people that were spending any money on anything would read what they are buying."

"Silentbarrel" wasn't even offering a real Xbox box, but rather a homemade one. He explained that he had alerted the buyer to the ruse after the auction ended, saying not to send the $611 payment.


"I Cannot be more clear! This is not even a factory made xbox 360 box. I made it myself, just a few minutes ago," read one of the disclosures in the listing, surrounded by pictures and descriptions of the actual console. "It does not contain an Xbox 360 console, just the Xbox 360 home-made box."