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Follow on Microsoft Q&A

Microsoft Q&A users need the ability to stay updated on the content relevant to them. One of the ways is using the following functionality that supports a user to follow a Q&A question, tag, or user.


You need to be signed into Q&A.


  • A user can follow a deleted question.
  • A user can follow a question under moderation.

Follow a question

  1. Open the question you would like to follow.
  2. Select the "Follow" button in the Activity sidebar.
  3. The "Follow" button changes to "Following".

Unfollow a question

  1. Open any of the questions you're following.
  2. Select the "Following" in the Activity sidebar.
  3. The "Following" button changes to "Follow".

Follow a tag from the Tags page

  1. Go to the Tags page.
  2. Look for the tag you would like to follow.
  3. Select the "Follow" button within the tag card.
  4. The "Follow" button changes to "Following".

Unfollow a tag from the Tags page

  1. Go to the Tags page.
  2. Look for the tag you're following.
  3. Select the "Following" button within the tag card.
  4. The "Following" button changes to "Follow".

Follow a tag from the Question details page

  1. Open a question that has a tag that you would like to follow.
  2. Select the tag you would like to follow. The tag card appears.
  3. Select the "Follow" button within the tag card.
  4. The "Follow" button changes to "Following".

Unfollow a tag from the Question details page

  1. Open a question that has a tag that you're following.
  2. Select the tag you're following. The tag card appears.
  3. Select the "Following" button within the tag card.
  4. The "Following" button changes to "Follow".

Follow a tag from the Tag details page

  1. Go to the Tags page.
  2. Look for the tag you would like to follow.
  3. Select the "Follow" button within the tag card.
  4. The "Follow" button changes to "Following".

Unfollow a tag from the Tag details page

  1. Go to the Tags page.
  2. Look for the tag you would like to unfollow.
  3. Select the "Following" button within the tag card.
  4. The "Following" button changes to "Follow".

Follow a user

  1. Open any of the questions.
  2. Select "Follow" next to the user's display name.
  3. The "Follow" button changes to "Following".

Unfollow a user

  1. Open any of the questions where a user you're following has participated.
  2. Select "Following" next to the user's display name.
  3. The "Following" button changes to "Follow".