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General Information Messages

The following information messages describe the compiler operation.

smi2smir: Version <version #> MIB definitions compiled from <file name>

This message appears at the beginning of every file compilation. It means the file may have been explicitly specified on the command line by the user, or it may have been pulled in by the compiler from the registry include directories or the include directories mentioned on the command line.

smi2smir: Syntax check failed on <file name>

The specific error messages that precede this message give the nature of the syntax errors.

smi2smir: Semantic check failed on <file name>

The specific error messages that precede this message give the nature of the semantic errors.

smi2smir: Could not load <file name> into the smir

Syntax or semantic check failed on the module, or SMIR interaction was not complete.

smi2smir: Syntax check successful on <file name>

smi2smir: Semantic check successful on <file name>

smi2smir: Loaded <file name> successfully into the smir

smi2smir: Could not resolve one or more symbols in <module name>

The modules corresponding to one or more of the imported symbols in the specified module were not found or could not be compiled.

smi2smir: Could not connect to the SMIR

Ensure that Smir.dll exists, has been registered using the regsvr32 command, and that the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) server is up and running.

smi2smir: Modules in the SMIR: <list of modules, 1 on each line>

This is the output of the /l switch.

smi2smir Could not list the modules in the SMIR

This indicates a failure of the /l switch due to no SMIR connection.

smi2smir: Deleted module <module name> successfully

The /d switch succeeded.

smi2smir: Could not delete module <module name>

This indicates a failure of the /d switch due to no SMIR connection.

smi2smir: Deleted all the modules in the SMIR

The /p switch succeeded.

smi2smir: Could not delete all the modules in the SMIR

The /p switch failed because there is no SMIR connection.

smi2smir: Module <module name> does not exist in the SMIR

The /d switch failed because the specified module is not in the SMIR.

smi2smir: Generated MOF successfully

The /g or /gc switch worked successfully.

smi2smir: Could not generate MOF

The /g or /gc switch did not work successfully due to no SMIR connection.

smi2smir: Name of the module: <module name>

This is the successful output of the /n switch.

smi2smir: Could not parse <file name> successfully

This indicates failure of the /n or /ni switch because the specified file is not a valid MIB file.

smi2smir: Processed <number> files successfully

This specifies the number of files that were successfully parsed when the /r or the /auto switch were used.

smi2smir: Repeated files in the input for module <module name>. Only the file <file name> will be compiled

The user has explicitly specified more than one file on the command line, and two or more of these files have the same MIB module.

smi2smir: Added directory <directory name> to the registry

Success of the /pa switch.

smi2smir: Could not add directory <directory name> to the registry

Failure of the /pa switch, which happens only if the registry API fails.

smi2smir: Deleted directory <directory name> from the registry

Success of the /pd switch.

smi2smir: Could not delete <directory name> from the registry

Failure of the /pd switch. The specified directory does not exist in the list of directories in the registry.

smi2smir: <file name> is not a valid mib file

More than one file has been specified on the command line, one of which is not a valid MIB file.

Setting up the WMI SNMP Environment