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Windows Event Collector Enumerations

The following table lists the enumerations of the Windows Event Collector SDK.

Enumeration Description
EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIGURATION_MODE Specifies different configuration modes that change the default settings for a subscription.
EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT Specifies how events will be rendered on the computer that sends the events before the events are sent to the event collector computer.
EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CREDENTIALS_TYPE Specifies the type of credentials to use when communicating with event sources.
EC_SUBSCRIPTION_DELIVERY_MODE Specifies how events are delivered through an event subscription (using a push or pull model).
EC_SUBSCRIPTION_PROPERTY_ID Defines values to identify event subscription properties used for subscription configuration.
EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_ACTIVE_STATUS Specifies the status of a subscription or an event source with respect to a subscription.
EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_INFO_ID Specifies a value that identifies a property of the runtime status of an event source or a subscription.
EC_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE Specifies the type of subscription to use (a source initiated or collector initiated subscription).
EC_VARIANT_TYPE Defines the values that specify the data types that are used in the Windows Event Collector functions.