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Request Sample in VBScript

The following VBScript sample code shows how the Certificate Enrollment Control can be used with the CCertRequest object to create and submit a certificate request.

<TITLE>VBScript Certificate Enrollment Control Sample
<OBJECT classid="clsid:127698E4-E730-4E5C-A2b1-21490A70C8A1"
    id=Enroll >
<OBJECT classid="clsid:98AFF3F0-5524-11D0-8812-00A0C903B83C"
    id=Request >
Certificate Enrollment Control Request Sample

<SCRIPT language="VBScript">
' Declare the distinguished name variable.
Dim strDN

' Declare the request variable.
Dim strReq

' Declare a local variable for request disposition.
Dim nDisp

' Enable error handling.
On Error Resume Next

' Declare constants used by CertRequest object.
const CR_IN_BASE64 = &H1
const CR_IN_PKCS10 = &H100

' Build the DN.
strDN =  "CN=UserName" _
      & ",OU=UserUnit" _
      & ",O=UserOrg" _
      & ",L=UserCity" _
      & ",S=WA" _
      & ",C=US"

' Attempt to use the control, in this case, to create a PKCS #10.
MsgBox("Creating PKCS #10 " & strDN)
strReq = Enroll.createPKCS10( strDN, "")
' If above line failed, Err.Number will not be 0.
if ( Err.Number <> 0 ) then
    MsgBox("Error in call to createPKCS10 " & Err.Number)
    MsgBox("Submitting request " & strReq)
    nDisp = Request.Submit( CR_IN_BASE64 OR CR_IN_PKCS10, _
                            strReq, _
                            "", _
    ' If the preceding line failed, Err.Number will not be 0.
    if ( Err.Number <> 0 ) then
        MsgBox("Error in Request Submit " & Err.Number)
        MsgBox("Submitted certificate; disposition = " & nDisp)
    end if

end if