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Windows numerics and DirectXMath interop APIs

These functions convert Windows.Foundation.Numerics types to and from the DirectXMath SIMD types XMVECTOR and XMMATRIX.


Name Description
XMVECTOR XMLoadFloat2(_In_ float2 const* pSource) Loads a float2 into a DirectXMath XMVECTOR.
XMVECTOR XMLoadFloat3(_In_ float3 const* pSource) Loads a float3 into a DirectXMath XMVECTOR.
XMVECTOR XMLoadFloat4(_In_ float4 const* pSource) Loads a float4 into a DirectXMath XMVECTOR.
XMMATRIX XMLoadFloat3x2(_In_ float3x2 const* pSource) Loads a float3x2 into a DirectXMath XMMATRIX.
XMMATRIX XMLoadFloat4x4(_In_ float4x4 const* pSource) Loads a float4x4 into a DirectXMath XMMATRIX.
XMVECTOR XMLoadPlane(_In_ plane const* pSource) Loads a plane into a DirectXMath XMMATRIX.
XMVECTOR XMLoadQuaternion(_In_ quaternion const* pSource) Loads a quaternion into a DirectXMath XMMATRIX.
void XMStoreFloat2(_Out_ float2* pDestination, _In_ FXMVECTOR value) Stores a DirectXMath XMVECTOR into a float2.
void XMStoreFloat3(_Out_ float3* pDestination, _In_ FXMVECTOR value) Stores a DirectXMath XMVECTOR into a float3.
void XMStoreFloat4(_Out_ float4* pDestination, _In_ FXMVECTOR value) Stores a DirectXMath XMVECTOR into a float4.
void XMStoreFloat3x2(_Out_ float3x2* pDestination, _In_ FXMMATRIX value) Stores a DirectXMath XMMATRIX into a float3x2.
void XMStoreFloat4x4(_Out_ float4x4* pDestination, _In_ FXMMATRIX value) Stores a DirectXMath XMMATRIX into a float4x4.
void XMStorePlane(_Out_ plane* pDestination, _In_ FXMVECTOR value) Stores a DirectXMath XMVECTOR into a plane.
void XMStoreQuaternion(_Out_ quaternion* pDestination, _In_ FXMVECTOR value) Stores a DirectXMath XMVECTOR into a quaternion.


Requirement Value
Namespace DirectX

See also

windowsnumerics.h APIs