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Tutorial: Copying ASF Streams by Using WMContainer Objects

One way to create an ASF file is to copy ASF streams from an existing file. To do this, you can retrieve the media data from the source file and write to the output file. If the source file is an ASF file, you can copy stream samples without decompressing and recompressing them.

This tutorial demonstrates this scenario by extracting the first audio stream from an ASF audio-video file (.wmv) and copying it to a new ASF audio file (.wma). In this tutorial, you will create a console application that takes the input and output filenames as arguments. The application uses the ASF Splitter to parse the input stream samples and then sends them to the ASF Multiplexer to write the ASF data packets for the audio stream.

This tutorial contains the following steps:


This tutorial assumes the following:

  • You are familiar with the structure of an ASF file and the components provided by Media Foundation to work with ASF Objects. These components include ContentInfo, splitter, multiplexer, and profile objects. For more information, see WMContainer ASF Components.
  • You are familiar with the process of parsing the ASF Header Object and the ASF data packets of an existing file and generating compressed stream samples by using the splitter. For more information see Tutorial: Reading an ASF File.
  • You are familiar with media buffers and byte streams: Specifically, file operations using a byte stream, and writing the contents of a media buffer into a byte stream. (See 2. Declare Helper Functions.)


This tutorial uses the following terms:

  • Source byte stream: Byte stream object, exposes IMFByteStream interface, which contains the contents of the input file.
  • Source ContentInfo object: ContentInfo object, exposes IMFASFContentInfo interface, which represents the ASF Header Object of the input file.
  • Audio profile: Profile object, exposes IMFASFProfile interface, which contains only audio streams of the input file.
  • Stream sample: Media sample, exposes IMFSample interface, generated by the splitter represents the selected stream's media data obtained from the input file in compressed state.
  • Output ContentInfo object: ContentInfo object, exposes IMFASFContentInfo interface, which represents the ASF Header Object of the output file.
  • Data byte stream: Byte stream object, exposes IMFByteStream interface, which represents the entire ASF Data Object portion of the output file.
  • Data packet: Media sample, exposes IMFSample interface, generated by the multiplexer represents an ASF data packet that will be written to the data byte stream.
  • Output byte stream: Byte stream object, exposes IMFByteStream interface, which contains the contents of the output file.

1. Set up the Project

Include the following headers in your source file:

#include <stdio.h>       // Standard I/O
#include <windows.h>     // Windows headers
#include <mfapi.h>       // Media Foundation platform
#include <wmcontainer.h> // ASF interfaces
#include <mferror.h>     // Media Foundation error codes

Link to the following library files:

  • mfplat.lib
  • mf.lib
  • mfuuid.lib

Declare the SafeRelease function:

template <class T> void SafeRelease(T **ppT)
    if (*ppT)
        *ppT = NULL;

2. Declare Helper Functions

This tutorial uses the following helper functions to read and write from a byte stream.

The AllocReadFromByteStream function reads data from a byte stream and allocates a new media buffer to hold the data. For more information, see IMFByteStream::Read.

// AllocReadFromByteStream
// Reads data from a byte stream and returns a media buffer that
// contains the data.

HRESULT AllocReadFromByteStream(
    IMFByteStream *pStream,         // Pointer to the byte stream.
    DWORD cbToRead,                 // Number of bytes to read.
    IMFMediaBuffer **ppBuffer       // Receives a pointer to the media buffer. 
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    BYTE *pData = NULL;
    DWORD cbRead = 0;   // Actual amount of data read.

    IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL;

    // Create the media buffer. 
    // This function allocates the memory for the buffer.
    hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(cbToRead, &pBuffer);

    // Get a pointer to the memory buffer.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pBuffer->Lock(&pData, NULL, NULL);

    // Read the data from the byte stream.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pStream->Read(pData, cbToRead, &cbRead);

    // Update the size of the valid data in the buffer.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pBuffer->SetCurrentLength(cbRead);

    // Return the pointer to the caller.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        *ppBuffer = pBuffer;

    if (pData)
    return hr;

The WriteBufferToByteStream function writes data from a media buffer to a byte stream. For more information, see IMFByteStream::Write.

// WriteBufferToByteStream
// Writes data from a media buffer to a byte stream.

HRESULT WriteBufferToByteStream(
    IMFByteStream *pStream,   // Pointer to the byte stream.
    IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer,  // Pointer to the media buffer.
    DWORD *pcbWritten         // Receives the number of bytes written.
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    DWORD cbData = 0;
    DWORD cbWritten = 0;
    BYTE *pMem = NULL;

    hr = pBuffer->Lock(&pMem, NULL, &cbData);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pStream->Write(pMem, cbData, &cbWritten);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        if (pcbWritten)
            *pcbWritten = cbWritten;

    if (pMem)
    return hr;

The AppendToByteStream function appends the contents of one byte stream to another:

// AppendToByteStream
// Reads the contents of pSrc and writes them to pDest.

HRESULT AppendToByteStream(IMFByteStream *pSrc, IMFByteStream *pDest)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    const DWORD READ_SIZE = 1024;

    BYTE buffer[READ_SIZE];

    while (1)
        ULONG cbRead;

        hr = pSrc->Read(buffer, READ_SIZE, &cbRead);

        if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }

        if (cbRead == 0)

        hr = pDest->Write(buffer, cbRead, &cbRead);

        if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }

    return hr;

3. Open the Input ASF File

Open the input file by calling the MFCreateFile function. The method returns a pointer to the byte stream object that contains the contents of the file. The filename is specified by the user through command line arguments of the application.

The following example code takes a file name and returns a pointer to a byte stream object that can be used to read the file.

        // Open the file.
            MF_FILEFLAGS_NONE, pszFileName, &pStream);

4. Initialize Objects for the Input File

Next, you will create and initialize the source ContentInfo object and the splitter for generating stream samples.

This source byte stream created in step 2 will be used to parse the ASF Header Object and populate the source ContentInfo object. This object will be used to initialize the splitter to facilitate the parsing of the ASF data packets for the audio stream in the input file. You will also retrieve the length of the ASF Data Object in the input file and the offset to the first ASF data packet relative to the start of the file. These attributes will be used by the splitter to generate audio stream samples.

To create and initialize ASF components for the input file:

  1. Call MFCreateASFContentInfo to create the ContentInfo object. This function returns a pointer to the IMFASFContentInfo interface.
  2. Call IMFASFContentInfo::ParseHeader to parse the ASF Header. For more information about this step, see Reading the ASF Header Object of an Existing File.
  3. Call MFCreateASFSplitter to create the ASF splitter object. This function returns a pointer to the IMFASFSplitter interface.
  4. Call IMFASFSplitter::Initialize, passing in the IMFASFContentInfopointer. For more information about this step, see Creating the ASF Splitter Object.
  5. Call IMFASFContentInfo::GeneratePresentationDescriptor to get a presentation descriptor for the ASF file.
  6. Get the value of the MF_PD_ASF_DATA_START_OFFSET attribute from the presentation descriptor. This value is the location of the ASF Data Object in the file, as a byte offset from the start of the file.
  7. Get the value of the MF_PD_ASF_DATA_LENGTH attribute from the presentation descriptor. This value is the total size of the ASF Data Object, in bytes. For more information, see Getting Information from ASF Header Objects.

The following example code shows a function that consolidates all of the steps. This function takes a pointer to the source byte stream and returns pointers to the source ContentInfo object and the splitter. Also, it receives the length and offsets to the ASF Data Object.

// CreateSourceParsers
// Creates the ASF splitter and the ASF Content Info object for the 
// source file.
// This function also calulates the offset and length of the ASF 
// Data Object.

HRESULT CreateSourceParsers(
    IMFByteStream *pSourceStream,
    IMFASFContentInfo **ppSourceContentInfo,
    IMFASFSplitter **ppSplitter,
    UINT64 *pcbDataOffset,
    UINT64 *pcbDataLength

    IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL;
    IMFPresentationDescriptor *pPD = NULL;
    IMFASFContentInfo *pSourceContentInfo = NULL;
    IMFASFSplitter *pSplitter = NULL;

    QWORD cbHeader = 0;

    /*------- Parse the ASF header. -------*/

    // Create the ASF ContentInfo object.
    HRESULT hr = MFCreateASFContentInfo(&pSourceContentInfo);
    // Read the first 30 bytes to find the total header size.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = AllocReadFromByteStream(

    // Get the header size.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pSourceContentInfo->GetHeaderSize(pBuffer, &cbHeader);

    // Release the buffer; we will reuse it.
    // Read the entire header into a buffer.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pSourceStream->SetCurrentPosition(0);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = AllocReadFromByteStream(

    // Parse the buffer and populate the header object.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pSourceContentInfo->ParseHeader(pBuffer, 0);

    /*------- Initialize the ASF splitter. -------*/

    // Create the splitter.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = MFCreateASFSplitter(&pSplitter);
    // initialize the splitter with the ContentInfo object.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pSplitter->Initialize(pSourceContentInfo);

    /*------- Get the offset and size of the ASF Data Object. -------*/

    // Generate the presentation descriptor.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr =  pSourceContentInfo->GeneratePresentationDescriptor(&pPD);

    // Get the offset to the start of the Data Object.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pPD->GetUINT64(MF_PD_ASF_DATA_START_OFFSET, pcbDataOffset);

    // Get the length of the Data Object.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pPD->GetUINT64(MF_PD_ASF_DATA_LENGTH, pcbDataLength);

    // Return the pointers to the caller.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        *ppSourceContentInfo = pSourceContentInfo;

        *ppSplitter = pSplitter;



    return S_OK;

5. Create an Audio Profile

Next, you will create a profile object for the input file by obtaining it from the source ContentInfo object. You will then configure the profile so that it contains only the audio streams of the input file. To do this, enumerate the streams and remove non-audio streams from the profile. The audio profile object will be used later in this tutorial to initialize the output ContentInfo object.

To create an audio profile

  1. Get the profile object for the input file from the source ContentInfo object by calling IMFASFContentInfo::GetProfile. The method returns a pointer to a profile object that contains all of the streams in the input file. For more information see Creating an ASF Profile.
  2. Remove any mutual exclusion objects from the profile. This step is required because non-audio streams will be removed from the profile, which could invalidate the mutual exclusion objects.
  3. Remove all non-audio streams from the profile, as follows:
  4. Store the stream number of the first audio stream. This will be selected on the splitter to generate stream samples. If the stream number is zero, the caller can assume that there were no audio streams file.

The following code these steps:

// GetAudioProfile
// Gets the ASF profile from the source file and removes any video
// streams from the profile.

HRESULT GetAudioProfile(
    IMFASFContentInfo *pSourceContentInfo, 
    IMFASFProfile **ppAudioProfile, 
    WORD *pwSelectStreamNumber
    IMFASFStreamConfig *pStream = NULL;
    IMFASFProfile *pProfile = NULL;

    DWORD dwTotalStreams = 0;
    WORD  wStreamNumber = 0; 
    GUID guidMajorType = GUID_NULL;
    // Get the profile object from the source ContentInfo object.
    HRESULT hr = pSourceContentInfo->GetProfile(&pProfile);

    // Remove mutexes from the profile
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = RemoveMutexes(pProfile);

    // Get the total number of streams on the profile.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pProfile->GetStreamCount(&dwTotalStreams);

    // Enumerate the streams and remove the non-audio streams.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        for (DWORD index = 0; index < dwTotalStreams; )
            hr = pProfile->GetStream(index, &wStreamNumber, &pStream);

            if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }

            hr = pStream->GetStreamType(&guidMajorType);


            if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }

            if (guidMajorType != MFMediaType_Audio)
                hr = pProfile->RemoveStream(wStreamNumber);
                if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }

                index = 0;
                // Store the first audio stream number. 
                // This will be selected on the splitter.

                if (*pwSelectStreamNumber == 0)
                    *pwSelectStreamNumber = wStreamNumber;


    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        *ppAudioProfile = pProfile;


    return S_OK;

The RemoveMutexes function removes any mutual exclusion objects from the profile:

HRESULT RemoveMutexes(IMFASFProfile *pProfile)
    DWORD cMutex = 0;
    HRESULT hr = pProfile->GetMutualExclusionCount(&cMutex);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        for (DWORD i = 0; i < cMutex; i++)
            hr = pProfile->RemoveMutualExclusion(0);

            if (FAILED(hr))

    return hr;

6. Initialize Objects for the Output File

Next, you will create the output ContentInfo object and the multiplexer for generating data packets for the output file.

The audio profile created in step 4 will be used to populate the output ContentInfo object. This object contains information such as global file attributes and stream properties. The output ContentInfo object will be used to initialize the multiplexer that will generate data packets for the output file. After the data packets are generated, the ContentInfo object must be updated to reflect the new values.

To create and initialize ASF components for the output file

  1. Create an empty ContentInfo object by calling MFCreateASFContentInfo and populate it with information from the audio profile created in step 3 by calling IMFASFContentInfo::SetProfile. For more information, see Initializing the ContentInfo Object of a New ASF File.
  2. Create and initialize the multiplexer object by using the output ContentInfo object. For more information, see Creating the Multiplexer Object.

The following example code shows a function that consolidates the steps. This function takes a pointer to a profile object and returns pointers to the output ContentInfo object and the multiplexer.

// CreateOutputGenerators
// Creates the ASF mux and the ASF Content Info object for the 
// output file.

HRESULT CreateOutputGenerators(
    IMFASFProfile *pProfile, 
    IMFASFContentInfo **ppContentInfo, 
    IMFASFMultiplexer **ppMux
    IMFASFContentInfo *pContentInfo = NULL;
    IMFASFMultiplexer *pMux = NULL;

    // Use the ASF profile to create the ContentInfo object.
    HRESULT hr = MFCreateASFContentInfo(&pContentInfo);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pContentInfo->SetProfile(pProfile);

    // Create the ASF Multiplexer object.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = MFCreateASFMultiplexer(&pMux);
    // Initialize it using the new ContentInfo object.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pMux->Initialize(pContentInfo);

    // Return the pointers to the caller.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        *ppContentInfo = pContentInfo;

        *ppMux = pMux;


    return hr;

7. Generate New ASF Data Packets

Next, you will generate audio stream samples from the source byte stream by using the splitter and send them to the multiplexer to create ASF data packets. These data packets will constitute the final ASF Data Object for the new file.

To generate audio stream samples

  1. Select the first audio stream on the splitter by calling IMFASFSplitter::SelectStreams.
  2. Read fixed-size blocks of media data from the source byte stream into a media buffer.
  3. Collect the stream samples as media samples from the splitter by calling IMFASFSplitter::GetNextSample in a loop as long as it receives the ASF_STATUSFLAGS_INCOMPLETE flag in the pdwStatusFlags parameter. For more information, see Generating Samples for ASF Data Packets" in Generating Stream Samples from an Existing ASF Data Object.
  4. For each media sample, call IMFASFMultiplexer::ProcessSample to send the media sample to the multiplexer. The multiplexer generates the data packets for the ASF Data Object.
  5. Write the data packet generated by the multiplexer to the data byte stream.
  6. After all the data packets have been generated, call IMFASFMultiplexer::End to update the output ContentInfo object with information collected during ASF data packet generation.

The following example code generates stream samples from the ASF splitter and sends them to the multiplexer. The multiplexer generates ASF data packets and writes it to a stream.

// GenerateASFDataObject
// Creates a byte stream that contains the ASF Data Object for the
// output file.

HRESULT GenerateASFDataObject(
    IMFByteStream *pSourceStream, 
    IMFASFSplitter *pSplitter, 
    IMFASFMultiplexer *pMux, 
    UINT64   cbDataOffset,
    UINT64   cbDataLength,
    IMFByteStream **ppDataStream
    IMFMediaBuffer *pBuffer = NULL;
    IMFByteStream *pDataStream = NULL;
    const DWORD READ_SIZE = 1024 * 4;

    // Flush the splitter to remove any pending samples.
    HRESULT hr = pSplitter->Flush();

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = MFCreateTempFile(

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pSourceStream->SetCurrentPosition(cbDataOffset);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        while (cbDataLength > 0)
            DWORD cbRead = min(READ_SIZE, (DWORD)cbDataLength);

            hr = AllocReadFromByteStream(

            if (FAILED(hr)) 

            cbDataLength -= cbRead;

            // Push data on the splitter.
            hr =  pSplitter->ParseData(pBuffer, 0, 0);

            if (FAILED(hr)) 

            // Get ASF packets from the splitter and feed them to the mux.
            hr = GetPacketsFromSplitter(pSplitter, pMux, pDataStream);

            if (FAILED(hr)) 


    // Flush the mux and generate any remaining samples.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pMux->Flush();

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = GenerateASFDataPackets(pMux, pDataStream);

     // Return the pointer to the caller.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        *ppDataStream = pDataStream;

    return hr;

To get packets from the ASF splitter, the previous code calls the GetPacketsFromSplitter function, shown here:

// GetPacketsFromSplitter
// Gets samples from the ASF splitter.
// This function is called after calling IMFASFSplitter::ParseData.

HRESULT GetPacketsFromSplitter(
    IMFASFSplitter *pSplitter,
    IMFASFMultiplexer *pMux,
    IMFByteStream *pDataStream
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    WORD    wStreamNum = 0;

    IMFSample *pSample = NULL;

    while (dwStatus & ASF_STATUSFLAGS_INCOMPLETE) 
        hr = pSplitter->GetNextSample(&dwStatus, &wStreamNum, &pSample);

        if (FAILED(hr))

        if (pSample)
            //Send to the multiplexer to convert it into ASF format
            hr = pMux->ProcessSample(wStreamNum, pSample, 0);

            if (FAILED(hr)) 

            hr = GenerateASFDataPackets(pMux, pDataStream);

            if (FAILED(hr)) 


    return hr;

The GenerateDataPackets function gets data packets from multiplexer. For more information, see Getting ASF Data Packets.

// GenerateASFDataPackets
// Gets data packets from the mux. This function is called after 
// calling IMFASFMultiplexer::ProcessSample. 

HRESULT GenerateASFDataPackets( 
    IMFASFMultiplexer *pMux, 
    IMFByteStream *pDataStream
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    IMFSample *pOutputSample = NULL;
    IMFMediaBuffer *pDataPacketBuffer = NULL;


    while (dwMuxStatus & ASF_STATUSFLAGS_INCOMPLETE)
        hr = pMux->GetNextPacket(&dwMuxStatus, &pOutputSample);

        if (FAILED(hr))

        if (pOutputSample)
            //Convert to contiguous buffer
            hr = pOutputSample->ConvertToContiguousBuffer(&pDataPacketBuffer);
            if (FAILED(hr))

            //Write buffer to byte stream
            hr = WriteBufferToByteStream(pDataStream, pDataPacketBuffer, NULL);

            if (FAILED(hr))


    return hr;

8. Write the ASF Objects in the New File

Next, you will write the contents of the output ContentInfo object to a media buffer by calling IMFASFContentInfo::GenerateHeader. This method converts data stored in the ContentInfo object into binary data in ASF Header Object format. For more information, see Generating a New ASF Header Object.

After the new ASF Header Object has been generated, write the output file by first writing the Header Object to the output byte stream created in step 2 by calling the helper function WriteBufferToByteStream. Follow the Header Object with the Data Object contained in the data byte stream. The example code shows a function that transfers contents of the data bytes stream to the output byte stream.

// WriteASFFile
// Writes the complete ASF file.

    IMFASFContentInfo *pContentInfo, // ASF Content Info for the output file.
    IMFByteStream *pDataStream,      // Data stream.
    PCWSTR pszFile                   // Output file name.
    IMFMediaBuffer *pHeaderBuffer = NULL;
    IMFByteStream *pWmaStream = NULL;

    DWORD cbHeaderSize = 0;
    DWORD cbWritten = 0;

    // Create output file.
    HRESULT hr = MFCreateFile(

    // Get the size of the ASF Header Object.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pContentInfo->GenerateHeader(NULL, &cbHeaderSize);

    // Create a media buffer.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = MFCreateMemoryBuffer(cbHeaderSize, &pHeaderBuffer);

    // Populate the media buffer with the ASF Header Object.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pContentInfo->GenerateHeader(pHeaderBuffer, &cbHeaderSize);
    // Write the header contents to the byte stream for the output file.
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = WriteBufferToByteStream(pWmaStream, pHeaderBuffer, &cbWritten);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pDataStream->SetCurrentPosition(0);

    // Append the data stream to the file.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = AppendToByteStream(pDataStream, pWmaStream);


    return hr;

9 Write the Entry-Point Function

Now you can put the previous steps together into a complete application. Before using any of the Media Foundation objects, initialize the Media Foundation platform by calling MFStartup. When you are done, call MFShutdown. For more information, see Initializing Media Foundation.

The following code shows the complete console application. The command-line argument specifies the name of the file to convert and the name of the new audio file.

int wmain(int argc, WCHAR* argv[])
    if (argc != 3)
        wprintf_s(L"Usage: %s input.wmv, %s output.wma\n");
        return 0;

    HRESULT hr = MFStartup(MF_VERSION);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"MFStartup failed: 0x%X\n", hr);
        return 0;

    PCWSTR pszInputFile = argv[1];      
    PCWSTR pszOutputFile = argv[2];     
    IMFByteStream      *pSourceStream = NULL;       
    IMFASFContentInfo  *pSourceContentInfo = NULL;  
    IMFASFProfile      *pAudioProfile = NULL;       
    IMFASFContentInfo  *pOutputContentInfo = NULL;  
    IMFByteStream      *pDataStream = NULL;         
    IMFASFSplitter     *pSplitter = NULL;           
    IMFASFMultiplexer  *pMux = NULL;                

    UINT64  cbDataOffset = 0;           
    UINT64  cbDataLength = 0;           
    WORD    wSelectStreamNumber = 0;    

    // Open the input file.

    hr = OpenFile(pszInputFile, &pSourceStream);

    // Initialize the objects that will parse the source file.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = CreateSourceParsers(
            &pSourceContentInfo,    // ASF Header for the source file.
            &pSplitter,             // Generates audio samples.
            &cbDataOffset,          // Offset to the first data packet.
            &cbDataLength           // Length of the ASF Data Object.

    // Create a profile object for the audio streams in the source file.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = GetAudioProfile(
            &pAudioProfile,         // ASF profile for the audio stream.
            &wSelectStreamNumber    // Stream number of the first audio stream.

    // Initialize the objects that will generate the output data.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = CreateOutputGenerators(
            &pOutputContentInfo,    // ASF Header for the output file.
            &pMux                   // Generates ASF data packets.

    // Set up the splitter to generate samples for the first
    // audio stream in the source media.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pSplitter->SelectStreams(&wSelectStreamNumber, 1);
    // Generate ASF Data Packets and store them in a byte stream.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = GenerateASFDataObject(
               &pDataStream    // Byte stream for the ASF data packets.    

    // Update the header with new information if any.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pMux->End(pOutputContentInfo);

    //Write the ASF objects to the output file
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = WriteASFFile(pOutputContentInfo, pDataStream, pszOutputFile);

    // Clean up.


    if (FAILED(hr))
        wprintf_s(L"Could not create the audio file: 0x%X\n", hr);

    return 0;

WMContainer ASF Components

ASF Support in Media Foundation