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GetDimensions (DirectX HLSL Texture Object)

Gets texture size information. The syntax block shows all the parameters that are possible in the method declaration. The table in the Remarks section shows which parameters are implemented for each texture-object type.

void Object.GetDimensions( UINT MipLevel, typeX Width, typeX Height, typeX Elements, typeX Depth, typeX NumberOfLevels, typeX NumberOfSamples );

typeX denotes that there are two possible types: uint or float.


Item Description
Any texture-object type.
[in] A zero-based index that identifies the mipmap level. If this argument is not used, the first mip level is assumed.
[out] The texture width, in texels.
[out] The texture height, in texels.
[out] The number of elements in an array.
[out] The texture depth, in texels.
[out] The number of mipmap levels.
[out] The number of samples.

Return Value


Overloaded Methods

This table lists all the different versions of the method; versions differs by the number of input parameters. Notice that for every method that takes integer parameters, there is an overloaded method that takes floating-point parameters.

Texture-Object Type Input Parameters
Texture1D UINT MipLevel, UINT Width, UINT NumberOfLevels
Texture1D UINT Width
Texture1D UINT MipLevel, float Width, float NumberOfLevels
Texture1D float Width
Texture1DArray UINT MipLevel, UINT Width, UINT Elements, UINT NumberOfLevels
Texture1DArray UINT Width, UINT Elements
Texture1DArray UINT MipLevel, float Width, float Elements, float NumberOfLevels
Texture1DArray float Width, float Elements
Texture2D UINT MipLevel, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT NumberOfLevels
Texture2D UINT Width, UINT Height
Texture2D UINT MipLevel, float Width, float Height, float NumberOfLevels
Texture2D float Width, float Height
Texture2DArray UINT MipLevel, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Elements, UINT NumberOfLevels
Texture2DArray UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Elements
Texture2DArray UINT MipLevel, float Width, float Height, float Elements, float NumberOfLevels
Texture2DArray float Width, float Height, float Elements
Texture3D UINT MipLevel, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Depth, UINT NumberOfLevels
Texture3D UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Depth
Texture3D UINT MipLevel, float Width, float Height, float Depth, float NumberOfLevels
Texture3D float Width, float Height, float Depth
TextureCube UINT MipLevel, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT NumberOfLevels
TextureCube UINT Width, UINT Height
TextureCube UINT MipLevel, float Width, float Height, UINT NumberOfLevels
TextureCube float Width, float Height
TextureCubeArray UINT MipLevel, UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Elements, UINT NumberOfLevels
TextureCubeArray UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Elements
TextureCubeArray UINT MipLevel, float Width, float Height, float Elements, float NumberOfLevels
TextureCubeArray float Width, float Height, float Elements
Texture2DMS UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Samples
Texture2DMS float Width, float Height, float Samples
Texture2DMSArray UINT Width, UINT Height, UINT Elements, UINT Samples
Texture2DMSArray float Width, float Height, float Elements, float Samples

Minimum Shader Model

This function is supported in the following shader models.

vs_4_0 vs_4_1 ps_4_0 ps_4_1 gs_4_0 gs_4_1
x x x x x x
  1. Returns dimensions for the largest (zeroth) mipmap level.
  2. TextureCubeArray is available in Shader Model 4.1 or higher.
  3. Shader Model 4.1 is available in Direct3D 10.1 or higher.
