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How To: Create a Hull Shader

A hull shader is the first of three stages that work together to implement tessellation. The hull-shader outputs drive the tessellator stage, as well as the domain-shader stage. This topic shows how to create a hull shader.

A hull shader transforms a set of input control points (from a vertex shader) into a set of output control points. The number of input and output points can vary in contents and number depending on the transform (a typical transformation would be a basis transformation).

A hull shader also outputs patch constant information, such as tessellation factors, for a domain shader and the tessellator. The fixed-function tessellator stage uses the tessellation factors as well as other state declared in a hull shader to determine how much to tessellate.

To create a hull shader

  1. Design a hull shader. See How To: Design a Hull Shader.

  2. Compile the shader code

  3. Create a hull-shader object using ID3D11Device::CreateHullShader.

    HRESULT CreateHullShader(
      const void *pShaderBytecode,  
      SIZE_T BytecodeLength,  
      ID3D11ClassLinkage *pClassLinkage,  
      ID3D11HullShader **ppHullShader
  4. Initialize the pipeline stage using ID3D11DeviceContext::HSSetShader.

    void HSSetShader(
      ID3D11HullShader *pHullShader,  
      ID3D11ClassInstance *const *ppClassInstances,
      UINT NumClassInstances

A domain shader must be bound to the pipeline if a hull shader is bound. In particular, it is not valid to directly stream out hull shader control points with the geometry shader.

How to Use Direct3D 11

Tessellation Overview