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ID3DX10SkinInfo interface

ID3DX10SkinInfo allows you to optimize, process, and manually set the relationship between bones and vertices in your meshes (see Skeletal Animation on Wikipedia). It is most useful for making .x files exported by DCC Apps (such as 3DS Max and Maya) more hardware-friendly, and for improving the render speed of your skinned meshes in software render mode.


The ID3DX10SkinInfo interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ID3DX10SkinInfo also has these types of members:


The ID3DX10SkinInfo interface has these methods.

Method Description
AddBoneInfluences Enable an existing bone to influence a group of vertices and define how much influence the bone has on each vertex.
AddBones Allocate space for more bones.
AddVertices Allocate space for additional vertices.
ClearBoneInfluences Clear a bone's list of vertices that it influences.
Compact Limit the number of bones that can influence a vertex and/or limit the amount of influence a bone can have on a vertex.
DoSoftwareSkinning Do software skinning on an array of vertices.
FindBoneInfluenceIndex Find the index that indicates where a given vertex is in a given bone's list of influenced vertices.
GetBoneInfluence Get the amount of influence a given bone has over a given vertex.
GetBoneInfluenceCount Get the number of vertices that a given bone influences.
GetBoneInfluences Get a list of vertices that a given bone influences and a list of the amount of influence that bone has on each vertex.
GetMaxBoneInfluences Get the number of vertices a bone can maximally influence.
GetNumBones Get the number of bones in ID3DX10SkinInfo.
GetNumVertices Get the number of vertices in ID3DX10SkinInfo.
RemapBones Change which bones influence which vertices.
RemapVertices Change which vertices are influenced by which bones.
RemoveBone Remove a bone.
SetBoneInfluence Set the amount of influence a given bone has over a given vertex.



Create a ID3DX10SkinInfo interface with D3DX10CreateSkinInfo, D3DX10CreateSkinInfoFromBlendedMesh, or D3DX10CreateSkinInfoFVF.

The LPD3DX10SKININFO type is defined as a pointer to the ID3DX10SkinInfo interface.

typedef struct ID3DX10SkinInfo *LPD3DX10SKININFO;


Requirement Value

See also

D3DX Interfaces