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ID3DX10Mesh interface

Applications use the methods of the ID3DX10Mesh interface to manipulate mesh objects.


The ID3DX10Mesh interface inherits from the IUnknown interface. ID3DX10Mesh also has these types of members:


The ID3DX10Mesh interface has these methods.

Method Description
CloneMesh Creates a new mesh and fills it with the data of a previously loaded mesh.
CommitToDevice Commit any changes made to a mesh to the device so that the changes can be rendered. This should be called after a mesh's data is altered and before it is rendered. A mesh cannot be rendered unless it is committed to the device. See remarks.
Discard Removes mesh data from the device that has been committed to the device (with ID3DX10Mesh::CommitToDevice).
DrawSubset Draws a subset of a mesh.
DrawSubsetInstanced Draw several instances of the same subset of a mesh.
GenerateAdjacencyAndPointReps Generate a list of mesh edges, as well as a list of faces that share each edge.
GenerateAttributeBufferFromTable Generate an attribute buffer from the data in the mesh's attribute table. An attribute buffer is another format for storing the data in the attribute table. Both the attribute buffer and the attribute table are internal data structures in the mesh.
GenerateGSAdjacency Adds adjacency data to the mesh's index buffer. When the mesh is to be sent to a geometry shader that takes adjacency data, it is neccessary for the mesh's index buffer to contain adjacency data.
GetAdjacencyBuffer Access the mesh's adjacency buffer.
GetAttributeBuffer Access the mesh's attribute buffer.
GetAttributeTable Retrieves either an attribute table for a mesh, or the number of entries stored in an attribute table for a mesh.
GetDeviceIndexBuffer Access the mesh's index buffer after it has been committed to the device with ID3DX10Mesh::CommitToDevice. This is different from ID3DX10Mesh::GetIndexBuffer, which returns the index buffer before it has been committed to the device.
GetDeviceVertexBuffer Access the mesh's vertex buffer after it has been committed to the device with ID3DX10Mesh::CommitToDevice. This is different from ID3DX10Mesh::GetVertexBuffer, which returns the vertex buffer before it has been committed to the device.
GetFaceCount Retrieves the number of faces in the mesh.
GetFlags Access the mesh's creation flags.
GetIndexBuffer Retrieves the data in an index buffer.
GetPointRepBuffer Get the mesh's point rep buffer.
GetVertexBuffer Retrieves the vertex buffer associated with the mesh.
GetVertexBufferCount Get the number of vertex buffers in the mesh.
GetVertexCount Get the number of vertices in the mesh. A mesh may contain multiple vertex buffers (i.e. one vertex buffer may contain all position data, another may contains all texture coordinate data, etc.), however each vertex buffer will contain the same number of elements.
GetVertexDescription Access the vertex description passed into D3DX10CreateMesh. The vertex description describes the layout of the mesh's vertex buffers.
Intersect Determines if a ray intersects with this mesh.
IntersectSubset Determines if a ray intersects with a subset of this mesh.
Optimize Generates a new mesh with reordered faces and vertices to optimize drawing performance.
SetAdjacencyData Set the mesh's adjacency data.
SetAttributeData Set the mesh's attribute data.
SetAttributeTable Sets the attribute table for a mesh and the number of entries stored in the table.
SetIndexData Set the mesh's index data.
SetPointRepData Set the point rep data for the mesh.
SetVertexData Set vertex data into one of the mesh's vertex buffers.



To obtain the ID3DX10Mesh interface, call D3DX10CreateMesh.


Requirement Value

See also

D3DX Interfaces