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Python sample: submissions for apps, add-ons, and flights

This article provides Python code examples that demonstrate how to use the Microsoft Store submission API for these tasks:

Obtain an Azure AD access token

The following example demonstrates how to obtain an Azure AD access token that you can use to call methods in the Microsoft Store submission API. After you obtain a token, you have 60 minutes to use this token in calls to the Microsoft Store submission API before the token expires. After the token expires, you can generate a new token..

import http.client, json

tenantId = ""  # Your tenant ID
clientId = ""  # Your client ID
clientSecret = ""  # Your client secret

tokenEndpoint = "{0}/oauth2/token"
tokenResource = ""

tokenRequestBody = "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={0}&client_secret={1}&resource={2}".format(clientId, clientSecret, tokenResource)
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"}
tokenConnection = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
tokenConnection.request("POST", "/{0}/oauth2/token".format(tenantId), tokenRequestBody, headers=headers)

tokenResponse = tokenConnection.getresponse()
tokenJson = json.loads(


Create an add-on

The following example demonstrates how to create and then delete an add-on.

import http.client, json

accessToken = ""  # Your access token
iapRequestJson = ""  # Your in-app-product request JSON

headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
           "Content-type": "application/json",
           "User-Agent": "Python"}
ingestionConnection = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

# Create a new in-app-product
ingestionConnection.request("POST", "/v1.0/my/inappproducts", iapRequestJson, headers)
createIapResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(createIapResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

iapJsonObject = json.loads(
inAppProductId = iapJsonObject["id"]

# Delete created in-app-product
ingestionConnection.request("DELETE", "/v1.0/my/inappproducts/" + inAppProductId, "", headers)
deleteIapResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(deleteIapResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID


Create a package flight

The following example demonstrates how to create and then delete a package flight.

import http.client, json, requests, time
from import BlobClient
accessToken = ""  # Your access token
applicationId = ""  # Your application ID
flightRequestJson = ""  # Your flight request JSON

headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
           "Content-type": "application/json",
           "User-Agent": "Python"}
ingestionConnection = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

# Create a new flight, a flight submission will be created together with the flight

ingestionConnection.request("POST", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/flights".format(applicationId), flightRequestJson, headers)
createFlightResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(createFlightResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

flightJsonObject = json.loads(
flightId = flightJsonObject["flightId"]
submissionId = flightJsonObject["pendingFlightSubmission"]["id"]

# Delete created flight
ingestionConnection.request("DELETE", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/flights/{1}".format(applicationId, flightId), "", headers)
deleteFlightResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(deleteFlightResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID


Create an app submission

The following example shows how to use several methods in the Microsoft Store submission API to create an app submission. To do this, the code creates a new submission as a clone of the last published submission, and then updates and commits the cloned submission to Partner Center. Specifically, the example performs these tasks:

  1. To begin, the example gets data for the specified app.
  2. Next, it deletes the pending submission for the app, if one exists.
  3. It then creates a new submission for the app (the new submission is a copy of the last published submission).
  4. It changes some details for the new submission and upload a new package for the submission to Azure Blob Storage.
  5. Next, it updates and then commits the new submission to Partner Center.
  6. Finally, it periodically checks the status of the new submission until the submission is successfully committed.
import http.client, json, requests, time
from import BlobClient
accessToken = ""  # Your access token
applicationId = ""  # Your application ID
appSubmissionRequestJson = "";  # Your submission request JSON
zipFilePath = r'*.zip'  # Your zip file path

headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
           "Content-type": "application/json",
           "User-Agent": "Python"}
ingestionConnection = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

# Get application
ingestionConnection.request("GET", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}".format(applicationId), "", headers)
appResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(appResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Delete existing in-progress submission
appJsonObject = json.loads(
if "pendingApplicationSubmission" in appJsonObject :
    submissionToRemove = appJsonObject["pendingApplicationSubmission"]["id"]
    ingestionConnection.request("DELETE", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/submissions/{1}".format(applicationId, submissionToRemove), "", headers)
    deleteSubmissionResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
    print(deleteSubmissionResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Create submission
ingestionConnection.request("POST", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/submissions".format(applicationId), "", headers)
createSubmissionResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(createSubmissionResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

submissionJsonObject = json.loads(
submissionId = submissionJsonObject["id"]
fileUploadUrl = submissionJsonObject["fileUploadUrl"]

# Update submission
ingestionConnection.request("PUT", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/submissions/{1}".format(applicationId, submissionId), appSubmissionRequestJson, headers)
updateSubmissionResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(updateSubmissionResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Upload images and packages in a zip file.
blob_client = BlobClient.from_blob_url(fileUploadUrl)
with open(zipFilePath, "rb") as data:
    blob_client.upload_blob(data, blob_type="BlockBlob")

# Commit submission
ingestionConnection.request("POST", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/submissions/{1}/commit".format(applicationId, submissionId), "", headers)
commitResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(commitResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Pull submission status until commit process is completed
ingestionConnection.request("GET", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/submissions/{1}/status".format(applicationId, submissionId), "", headers)
getSubmissionStatusResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
submissionJsonObject = json.loads(
while submissionJsonObject["status"] == "CommitStarted":
    ingestionConnection.request("GET", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/submissions/{1}/status".format(applicationId, submissionId), "", headers)
    getSubmissionStatusResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
    submissionJsonObject = json.loads(



Create an add-on submission

The following example shows how to use several methods in the Microsoft Store submission API to create an add-on submission. To do this, the code creates a new submission as a clone of the last published submission, and then updates and commits the cloned submission to Partner Center. Specifically, the example performs these tasks:

  1. To begin, the example gets data for the specified add-on.
  2. Next, it deletes the pending submission for the add-on, if one exists.
  3. It then creates a new submission for the add-on (the new submission is a copy of the last published submission).
  4. It uploads a ZIP archive that contains icons for the submission to Azure Blob Storage. For more information, see the relevant instructions about uploading a ZIP archive to Azure Blob Storage in Create an add-on submission.
  5. Next, it updates and then commits the new submission to Partner Center.
  6. Finally, it periodically checks the status of the new submission until the submission is successfully committed.
import http.client, json, requests, time
from import BlobClient
accessToken = ""  # Your access token
inAppProductId = ""  # Your in-app-product ID
updateSubmissionRequestBody = "";  # Your in-app-product submission request JSON
zipFilePath = r'*.zip'  # Your zip file path

headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
           "Content-type": "application/json",
           "User-Agent": "Python"}
ingestionConnection = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

# Get in-app-product
ingestionConnection.request("GET", "/v1.0/my/inappproducts/{0}".format(inAppProductId), "", headers)
iapResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(iapResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Delete existing in-progress submission
iapJsonObject = json.loads(
if "pendingInAppProductSubmission" in iapJsonObject :
    submissionToRemove = iapJsonObject["pendingInAppProductSubmission"]["id"]
    ingestionConnection.request("DELETE", "/v1.0/my/inappproducts/{0}/submissions/{1}".format(inAppProductId, submissionToRemove), "", headers)
    deleteSubmissionResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
    print(deleteSubmissionResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Create submission
ingestionConnection.request("POST", "/v1.0/my/inappproducts/{0}/submissions".format(inAppProductId), "", headers)
createSubmissionResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(createSubmissionResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

submissionJsonObject = json.loads(
submissionId = submissionJsonObject["id"]
fileUploadUrl = submissionJsonObject["fileUploadUrl"]

# Update submission
ingestionConnection.request("PUT", "/v1.0/my/inappproducts/{0}/submissions/{1}".format(inAppProductId, submissionId), updateSubmissionRequestBody, headers)
updateSubmissionResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(updateSubmissionResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Upload images and packages in a zip file.
blob_client = BlobClient.from_blob_url(fileUploadUrl)
with open(zipFilePath, "rb") as data:
    blob_client.upload_blob(data, blob_type="BlockBlob")

# Commit submission
ingestionConnection.request("POST", "/v1.0/my/inappproducts/{0}/submissions/{1}/commit".format(inAppProductId, submissionId), "", headers)
commitResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(commitResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Pull submission status until commit process is completed
ingestionConnection.request("GET", "/v1.0/my/inappproducts/{0}/submissions/{1}/status".format(inAppProductId, submissionId), "", headers)
getSubmissionStatusResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
submissionJsonObject = json.loads(
while submissionJsonObject["status"] == "CommitStarted":
    ingestionConnection.request("GET", "/v1.0/my/inappproducts/{0}/submissions/{1}/status".format(inAppProductId, submissionId), "", headers)
    getSubmissionStatusResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
    submissionJsonObject = json.loads(



Create a package flight submission

The following example shows how to use several methods in the Microsoft Store submission API to create a package flight submission. To do this, the code creates a new submission as a clone of the last published submission, and then updates and commits the cloned submission to Partner Center. Specifically, the example performs these tasks:

  1. To begin, the example gets data for the specified package flight.
  2. Next, it deletes the pending submission for the package flight, if one exists.
  3. It then creates a new submission for the package flight (the new submission is a copy of the last published submission).
  4. It uploads a new package for the submission to Azure Blob Storage. For more information, see the relevant instructions about uploading a ZIP archive to Azure Blob Storage in Create a package flight submission.
  5. Next, it updates and then commits the new submission to Partner Center.
  6. Finally, it periodically checks the status of the new submission until the submission is successfully committed.
import http.client, json, requests, time, zipfile
from import BlobClient
accessToken = ""  # Your access token
applicationId = ""  # Your application ID
flightId = ""  # Your flight ID
flightSubmissionRequestJson = ""  # Your submission request JSON
zipFilePath = r'*.zip'  # Your zip file path

headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
           "Content-type": "application/json",
           "User-Agent": "Python"}
ingestionConnection = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")

# Get flight
ingestionConnection.request("GET", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/flights/{1}".format(applicationId, flightId), "", headers)
flightResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(flightResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Delete existing in-progress submission
flightJsonObject = json.loads(
if "pendingFlightSubmission" in flightJsonObject :
    submissionToRemove = flightJsonObject["pendingFlightSubmission"]["id"]
    ingestionConnection.request("DELETE", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/flights/{1}/submissions/{2}".format(applicationId, flightId, submissionToRemove), "", headers)
    deleteSubmissionResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
    print(deleteSubmissionResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Create submission
ingestionConnection.request("POST", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/flights/{1}/submissions".format(applicationId, flightId), "", headers)
createSubmissionResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(createSubmissionResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

submissionJsonObject = json.loads(
submissionId = submissionJsonObject["id"]
fileUploadUrl = submissionJsonObject["fileUploadUrl"]

# Update submission
ingestionConnection.request("PUT", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/flights/{1}/submissions/{2}".format(applicationId, flightId, submissionId), flightSubmissionRequestJson, headers)
updateSubmissionResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(updateSubmissionResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Upload images and packages in a zip file.
blob_client = BlobClient.from_blob_url(fileUploadUrl)
with open(zipFilePath, "rb") as data:
    blob_client.upload_blob(data, blob_type="BlockBlob")

# Commit submission
ingestionConnection.request("POST", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/flights/{1}/submissions/{2}/commit".format(applicationId, flightId, submissionId), "", headers)
commitResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
print(commitResponse.headers["MS-CorrelationId"])  # Log correlation ID

# Pull submission status until commit process is completed
ingestionConnection.request("GET", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/flights/{1}/submissions/{2}/status".format(applicationId, flightId, submissionId), "", headers)
getSubmissionStatusResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
submissionJsonObject = json.loads(
while submissionJsonObject["status"] == "CommitStarted":
    ingestionConnection.request("GET", "/v1.0/my/applications/{0}/flights/{1}/submissions/{2}/status".format(applicationId, flightId, submissionId), "", headers)
    getSubmissionStatusResponse = ingestionConnection.getresponse()
    submissionJsonObject = json.loads(

