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Manage add-ons

Use the following methods in the Microsoft Store submission API to manage add-ons for your apps. For an introduction to the Microsoft Store submission API, including prerequisites for using the API, see Create and manage submissions using Microsoft Store services.

These methods can only be used to get, create, or delete add-ons. To create submissions for add-ons, see the methods in Manage add-on submissions.

Method URI Description
GET Get all add-ons for your apps
GET{inAppProductId} Get a specific add-on
POST Create an add-on
DELETE{inAppProductId} Delete an add-on


If you have not done so already, complete all the prerequisites for the Microsoft Store submission API before trying to use any of these methods.

Data resources

The Microsoft Store submission API methods for managing add-ons use the following JSON data resources.

Add-on resource

This resource describes an add-on.

  "applications": {
    "value": [
        "id": "9NBLGGH4R315",
        "resourceLocation": "applications/9NBLGGH4R315"
    "totalCount": 1
  "id": "9NBLGGH4TNMP",
  "productId": "TestAddOn",
  "productType": "Durable",
  "pendingInAppProductSubmission": {
    "id": "1152921504621243619",
    "resourceLocation": "inappproducts/9NBLGGH4TNMP/submissions/1152921504621243619"
  "lastPublishedInAppProductSubmission": {
    "id": "1152921504621243705",
    "resourceLocation": "inappproducts/9NBLGGH4TNMP/submissions/1152921504621243705"

This resource has the following values.

Value Type Description
applications array An array that contains one application resource that represents the app that this add-on is associated with. Only one item is supported in this array.
id string The Store ID of the add-on. This value is supplied by the Store. An example Store ID is 9NBLGGH4TNMP.
productId string The product ID of the add-on. This is the ID that was provided by the developer when the add-on was created. For more information, see Set your product type and product ID.
productType string The product type of the add-on. The following values are supported: Durable and Consumable.
lastPublishedInAppProductSubmission object A submission resource that provides information about the last published submission for the add-on.
pendingInAppProductSubmission object A submission resource that provides information about the current pending submission for the add-on.

Application resource

This resource descries the app that an add-on is associated with. The following example demonstrates the format of this resource.

  "applications": {
    "value": [
        "id": "9NBLGGH4R315",
        "resourceLocation": "applications/9NBLGGH4R315"
    "totalCount": 1

This resource has the following values.

Value Type Description
value object An object that contains the following values:
  • id. The Store ID of the app. For more information about the Store ID, see View app identity details.
  • resourceLocation. A relative path that you can append to the base request URI to retrieve the complete data for the app.
totalCount int The number of app objects in the applications array of the response body.

Submission resource

This resource provides information about a submission for an add-on. The following example demonstrates the format of this resource.

  "pendingInAppProductSubmission": {
    "id": "1152921504621243619",
    "resourceLocation": "inappproducts/9NBLGGH4TNMP/submissions/1152921504621243619"

This resource has the following values.

Value Type Description
id string The ID of the submission.
resourceLocation string A relative path that you can append to the base request URI to retrieve the complete data for the submission.