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Streaming resource creation parameters

There are some constraints on the type of Direct3D resources that you can create as a streaming resource.

Supported Resource Type
Texture2D[Array] (including TextureCube[Array], which is a variant of Texture2D[Array]) or Buffer.

**NOT supported:  **Texture1D[Array] .

Supported Resource Usage
Default usage.

**NOT supported:  **Dynamic, staging, or immutable.

Supported Resource Misc Flags
Tiled; that is, streaming (by definition), texture cube, draw indirect arguments, buffer allow raw views, structured buffer, resource clamp, or generate mips.

**NOT supported:  **shared, shared keyed mutex, GDI compatible, shared NT handle, restricted content, restrict shared resource, restrict shared resource driver, guarded, or tile pool.

Supported Bind Flags
Bind as shader resource, render target, depth stencil, or unordered access.

**NOT supported:  **Bind as constant buffer, vertex buffer (binding a tiled Buffer as an SRV/UAV/RTV is supported), index buffer, stream output, decoder, or video encoder.

Supported Formats
All formats that would be available for the given configuration regardless of it being tiled, with some exceptions.

Supported Sample Description (Multisample count, quality)
Whatever would be supported for the given configuration regardless of it being tiled, with some exceptions.

Supported Width/Height/MipLevels/ArraySize
Full extents supported by Direct3D. Streaming resources don't have the restriction on total memory size imposed on non-streaming resources. Streaming resources are only constrained by overall virtual address space limits. See Address space available for streaming resources.

The initial contents of tile pool memory are undefined.

In this section

Topic Description

Address space available for streaming resources

This section specifies the virtual address space that is available for streaming resources.


Creating streaming resources