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Asynchrony, and interop between C++/WinRT and C++/CX


Although we recommend that you read this topic from the beginning, you can jump straight to a summary of interop techniques in the Overview of porting C++/CX async to C++/WinRT section.

This is an advanced topic related to gradually porting to C++/WinRT from C++/CX. This topic picks up where the topic Interop between C++/WinRT and C++/CX leaves off.

If the size or complexity of your codebase makes it necessary to port your project gradually, then you'll need a porting process in which for a time C++/CX and C++/WinRT code exists side by side in the same project. If you have asynchronous code, then you might need to have Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) task chains and coroutines exist side by side in your project as you gradually port your source code. This topic focuses on techniques for interoperating between asynchronous C++/CX code and asynchronous C++/WinRT code. You can use these techniques individually, or together. The techniques allow you to make gradual, controlled, local changes along the path toward porting your entire project, without having each change cascade uncontrollably throughout the project.

Before reading this topic, it's a good idea to read Interop between C++/WinRT and C++/CX. That topic shows you how to prepare your project for gradual porting. It also introduces two helper functions that you can use to convert a C++/CX object into a C++/WinRT object (and vice versa). This topic about asynchrony builds on that info, and it uses those helper functions.


There are some limitations to porting gradually from C++/CX to C++/WinRT. If you have a Windows Runtime component project, then porting gradually is not possible, and you'll need to port the project in one pass. And for a XAML project, at any given time your XAML page types must be either all C++/WinRT or all C++/CX. For more info, see the topic Move to C++/WinRT from C++/CX.

The reason an entire topic is dedicated to asynchronous code interop

Porting from C++/CX to C++/WinRT is generally straightforward, with the one exception of moving from Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) tasks to coroutines. The models are different. There isn't a natural one-to-one mapping from PPL tasks to coroutines, and there's no simple way (that works for all cases) to mechanically port the code.

The good news is that conversion from tasks to coroutines results in significant simplifications. And development teams routinely report that once they're over the hurdle of porting their asynchronous code, the remainder of the porting work is largely mechanical.

Often, an algorithm was originally written to suit synchronous APIs. And then that was translated into tasks and explicit continuations—the result often being an inadvertent obfuscation of the underlying logic. For example, loops become recursion; if-else branches turn into a nested tree (a chain) of tasks; shared variables become shared_ptr. To deconstruct the often unnatural structure of PPL source code, we recommend that you first step back and understand the intent of the original code (that is, discover the original synchronous version). And then insert co_await (cooperatively await) into the appropriate places.

For that reason, if you have a C# (rather than C++/CX) version of the asynchronous code from which to begin your port, then that can give you an easier time, and a cleaner port. C# code uses await. So C# code already essentially follows a philosophy of beginning with a synchronous version and then inserting await into the appropriate places.

If you don't have a C# version of your project, then you can use the techniques described in this topic. And once you've ported to C++/WinRT, the structure of your async code will then be easier to port to C#, should you wish to.

Some background in asynchronous programming

So that we have a common frame of reference for asynchronous programming concepts and terminology, let's briefly set the scene regarding Windows Runtime asynchronous programming in general, and also how the two C++ language projections are each, in their different ways, layered on top of that.

Your project has methods that do work asynchronously, and there are two main kinds.

  • It's common to want to wait on the completion of asynchronous work before you do something else. A method that returns an asynchronous operation object is one that you can wait on.
  • But sometimes you don't want or need to wait on the completion of work done asynchronously. In that case it's more efficient for the asynchronous method not to return an asynchronous operation object. An asynchronous method such as that—one that you don't wait on—is known as a fire-and-forget method.

Windows Runtime async objects (IAsyncXxx)

The Windows::Foundation Windows Runtime namespace contains four types of asynchronous operation object.

In this topic, when we use the convenient shorthand of IAsyncXxx, we're referring either to these types collectively; or we're talking about one of the four types without needing to specify which one.

C++/CX async

Asynchronous C++/CX code makes use of Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) tasks. A PPL task is represented by the concurrency::task class.

Typically, an asynchronous C++/CX method chains PPL tasks together by using lambda functions with concurrency::create_task and concurrency::task::then. Each lambda function returns a task which, when it completes, produces a value that is then passed into the lambda of the task's continuation.

Alternatively, instead of calling create_task to create a task, an asynchronous C++/CX method can call concurrency::create_async to create an IAsyncXxx^.

So the return type of an asynchronous C++/CX method can be a PPL task, or an IAsyncXxx^.

In either case, the method itself uses the return keyword to return an asynchronous object which, when it completes, produces the value that the caller actually wants (perhaps a file, an array of bytes, or a Boolean).


If an asynchronous C++/CX method returns an IAsyncXxx^, then the TResult (if any) is limited to being a Windows Runtime type. A Boolean value, for example, is a Windows Runtime type; but a C++/CX projected type (for example, Platform::Array<byte>^) is not.

C++/WinRT async

C++/WinRT integrates C++ coroutines into the programming model. Coroutines and the co_await statement provide a natural way to cooperatively wait for a result.

Each of the IAsyncXxx types is projected into a corresponding type in the winrt::Windows::Foundation C++/WinRT namespace. Let's refer to those as winrt::IAsyncXxx (as compared to the IAsyncXxx^ of C++/CX).

The return type of a C++/WinRT coroutine is either a winrt::IAsyncXxx, or winrt::fire_and_forget. And instead of using the return keyword to return an asynchronous object, a coroutine uses the co_return keyword to cooperatively return the value that the caller actually wants (perhaps a file, an array of bytes, or a Boolean).

If a method contains at least one co_await statement (or at least one co_return or co_yield), then the method is a coroutine for that reason.

For more info, and code examples, see Concurrency and asynchronous operations with C++/WinRT.

The Direct3D game sample (Simple3DGameDX)

This topic contains walkthroughs of several specific programming techniques that illustrate how to gradually port asynchronous code. To serve as a case study, we'll be using the C++/CX version of the Direct3D game sample (which is called Simple3DGameDX). We'll show some examples of how you can take the original C++/CX source code in that project and gradually port its asynchronous code to C++/WinRT.

  • Download the ZIP from the link above, and unzip it.
  • Open the C++/CX project (it's in the folder named cpp) in Visual Studio.
  • You'll then need to add C++/WinRT support to the project. The steps that you follow to do that are described in Taking a C++/CX project and adding C++/WinRT support. In that section, the step about adding the interop_helpers.h header file to your project is particularly important because we'll be depending on those helper functions in this topic.
  • Finally, add #include <pplawait.h> to pch.h. That gives you coroutine support for PPL (there's more about that support in the following section).

Don't build yet, otherwise you'll get errors about byte being ambiguous. Here's how to resolve that.

  • Open BasicLoader.cpp, and comment out using namespace std;.
  • In that same source code file, you'll then need to qualify shared_ptr as std::shared_ptr. You can do that with a search-and-replace within that file.
  • Then qualify vector as std::vector, and string as std::string.

The project now builds again, has C++/WinRT support, and contains the from_cx and to_cx interop helper functions.

You now have the Simple3DGameDX project ready to follow along with the code walkthroughs in this topic.

Overview of porting C++/CX async to C++/WinRT

In a nutshell, as we port, we'll be changing PPL task chains into calls to co_await. We'll be changing the return value of a method from a PPL task to a C++/WinRT winrt::IAsyncXxx object. And we'll also be changing any IAsyncXxx^ to a C++/WinRT winrt::IAsyncXxx.

You'll recall that a coroutine is any method that calls co_xxx. A C++/WinRT coroutine uses co_return to cooperatively return its value. Thanks to the coroutine support for PPL (courtesy of pplawait.h), you can also use co_return to return a PPL task from a coroutine. And you can also co_await both tasks and IAsyncXxx. But you can't use co_return to return an IAsyncXxx^. The table below describes support for interop between the various asynchronous techniques with pplawait.h in the picture.

Method Can you co_await it? Can you co_return from it?
Method returns task<void> Yes Yes
Method returns task<T> No Yes
Method returns IAsyncXxx^ Yes No. But you wrap create_async around a task that uses co_return.
Method returns winrt::IAsyncXxx Yes Yes

Use this next table to jump straight to the section in this topic that describes an interop technique of interest, or just continue reading from here.

Async interop technique Section in this topic
Use co_await to await a task<void> method from within a fire-and-forget method, or within a constructor. Await task<void> within a fire-and-forget method
Use co_await to await a task<void> method from within a task<void> method. Await task<void> within a task<void> method
Use co_await to await a task<void> method from within a task<T> method. Await task<void> within a task<T> method
Use co_await to await an IAsyncXxx^ method. Await an IAsyncXxx^ in a task method, leaving the rest of the project unchanged
Use co_return within a task<void> method. Await task<void> within a task<void> method
Use co_return within a task<T> method. Await an IAsyncXxx^ in a task method, leaving the rest of the project unchanged
Wrap create_async around a task that uses co_return. Wrap create_async around a task that uses co_return
Port concurrency::wait. Port concurrency::wait to co_await winrt::resume_after
Return winrt::IAsyncXxx instead of task<void>. Port a task<void> return type to winrt::IAsyncXxx
Convert a winrt::IAsyncXxx<T> (T is primitive) to a task<T>. Convert a winrt::IAsyncXxx<T> (T is primitive) to a task<T>
Convert a winrt::IAsyncXxx<T> (T is a Windows Runtime type) to a task<T^>. Convert a winrt::IAsyncXxx<T> (T is a Windows Runtime type) to a task<T^>

And here's a short code example illustrating some of the support.

#include <ppltasks.h>
#include <pplawait.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>

concurrency::task<bool> TaskAsync()
    co_return true;

Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<bool>^ IAsyncXxxCppCXAsync()
    // co_return true; // Error! Can't do that. But you can do
    // the following.
    return concurrency::create_async([=]() -> concurrency::task<bool> {
        co_return true;

winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<bool> IAsyncXxxCppWinRTAsync()
    co_return true;

concurrency::task<bool> CppCXAsync()
    bool b1 = co_await TaskAsync();
    bool b2 = co_await IAsyncXxxCppCXAsync();
    co_return co_await IAsyncXxxCppWinRTAsync();

winrt::fire_and_forget CppWinRTAsync()
    bool b1 = co_await TaskAsync();
    bool b2 = co_await IAsyncXxxCppCXAsync();
    bool b3 = co_await IAsyncXxxCppWinRTAsync();


Even with these great interop options, porting gradually depends on choosing changes that we can make surgically that don't affect the rest of the project. We want to avoid tugging at an arbitrary loose end, and thereby unraveling the structure of the whole project. For that, we have to do things in a particular order. Next we'll look closely at some examples of making these kinds of async-related porting/interop changes.

Await a task<void> method, leaving the rest of the project unchanged

A method that returns task<void> performs work asynchronously, and it returns an asynchronous operation object, but it doesn't ultimately produce a value. We can co_await a method like that.

So a good place to start porting async code gradually is to find places where you call such methods. Those places will involve creating and/or returning a task. They might also involve the kind of task chain where no value is passed from each task to its continuation. In places like that, you can just replace the async code with co_await statements, as we'll see.


As this topic progresses, you'll see the benefit to this strategy. Once a particular task<void> method is being called exclusively via co_await, you're then free to port that method to C++/WinRT, and have it return a winrt::IAsyncXxx.

Let's find some examples. Open the Simple3DGameDX project (see The Direct3D game sample).


In the examples that follow, as you see the implementations of methods being changed, bear in mind that we don't need to change the callers of the methods we're changing. These changes are localized, and they don't cascade through the project.

Await task<void> within a fire-and-forget method

Let's start with awaiting task<void> within fire-and-forget methods, since that's the simplest case. These are methods that do work asynchronously, but the caller of the method doesn't wait for that work to complete. You just call the method and forget it, despite the fact that it completes asynchronously.

Look toward the root of your project's dependency graph for void methods that contain create_task and/or task chains where only task<void> methods are called.

In Simple3DGameDX, you'll find code like that in the implementation of the method GameMain::Update. It's in the source code file GameMain.cpp.


Here's an extract from the C++/CX version of the method, showing the two parts of the method that complete asynchronously.

void GameMain::Update()
    case UpdateEngineState::WaitingForPress:
            m_updateState = UpdateEngineState::ResourcesLoaded;
        }, task_continuation_context::use_current());
    case UpdateEngineState::Dynamics:
            m_updateState = UpdateEngineState::ResourcesLoaded;
        }, task_continuation_context::use_current());

You can see a call to the Simple3DGame::LoadLevelAsync method (which returns a PPL task<void>). After that is a continuation that does some synchronous work. LoadLevelAsync is asynchronous, but it doesn't return a value. So no value is being passed from the task to the continuation.

We can make the same kind of change to the code in these two places. The code is explained after the listing below. We could have a discussion here about the safe way to access the this pointer in a class-member coroutine. But let's defer that for a later section (The deferred discussion about co_await and the this pointer)—for now, this code works.

winrt::fire_and_forget GameMain::Update()
    case UpdateEngineState::WaitingForPress:
        co_await m_game->LoadLevelAsync();
        m_updateState = UpdateEngineState::ResourcesLoaded;
    case UpdateEngineState::Dynamics:
        co_await m_game->LoadLevelAsync();
        m_updateState = UpdateEngineState::ResourcesLoaded;

As you can see, because LoadLevelAsync returns a task, we can co_await it. And we don't need an explicit continuation—the code that follows a co_await executes only when LoadLevelAsync completes.

Introducing the co_await turns the method into a coroutine, so we couldn't leave it returning void. It's a fire-and-forget method, so we changed it to return winrt::fire_and_forget.

You'll also need to edit GameMain.h. Change the return type of GameMain::Update from void to winrt::fire_and_forget in the declaration there, too.

You can make this change to your copy of the project, and the game still builds and runs the same. The source code is still fundamentally C++/CX, but it's now using the same patterns as C++/WinRT, so that has moved us a little closer to being able to port the rest of the code mechanically.


GameMain::ResetGame is another fire-and-forget method; it calls LoadLevelAsync, too. So you can make the same code change there if you want the practice.


Things get a little more interesting in GameMain::OnDeviceRestored because of its deeper nesting of async code, including a no-op task. Here's an outline of the asynchronous parts of the method (with the less-interesting synchronous code represented by ellipses).

void GameMain::OnDeviceRestored()
        return m_renderer->CreateGameDeviceResourcesAsync(m_game);
        if (m_updateState == UpdateEngineState::WaitingForResources)
            return m_game->LoadLevelAsync().then([this]()
            }, task_continuation_context::use_current());
            return create_task([]()
                // Return a no-op task.
    }, task_continuation_context::use_current()).then([this]()
    }, task_continuation_context::use_current());

First, change the return type of GameMain::OnDeviceRestored from void to winrt::fire_and_forget in GameMain.h and .cpp. You'll also need to open DeviceResources.h and make the same change to the return type of IDeviceNotify::OnDeviceRestored.

To port the async code, remove all of the create_task and then calls and their curly brackets, and simplify the method into a flat series of statements.

Change any return that returns a task into a co_await. You'll be left with one return that returns nothing, so just delete that. When you're done, the no-op task will have disappeared, and the outline of the asynchronous parts of the method will look like this. Again, the less-interesting synchronous code is elided.

winrt::fire_and_forget GameMain::OnDeviceRestored()
    co_await m_renderer->CreateGameDeviceResourcesAsync(m_game);
    if (m_updateState == UpdateEngineState::WaitingForResources)
        co_await m_game->LoadLevelAsync();

As you can see, this form of async structure is significantly simpler, and easier to read.


The GameMain::GameMain constructor performs work asynchronously, and no part of the project waits for that work to complete. Again, this listing outlines the asynchronous parts.

GameMain::GameMain(...) : ...
        return m_renderer->CreateGameDeviceResourcesAsync(m_game);
        if (m_updateState == UpdateEngineState::WaitingForResources)
            return m_game->LoadLevelAsync().then([this]()
            }, task_continuation_context::use_current());
            return create_task([]()
                // Return a no-op task.
    }, task_continuation_context::use_current()).then([this]()
    }, task_continuation_context::use_current());

But a constructor can't return winrt::fire_and_forget, so we'll move the asynchronous code into a new GameMain::ConstructInBackground fire-and-forget method, flatten the code into co_await statements, and call the new method from the constructor. Here's the result.

GameMain::GameMain(...) : ...

winrt::fire_and_forget GameMain::ConstructInBackground()
    co_await m_renderer->CreateGameDeviceResourcesAsync(m_game);
    if (m_updateState == UpdateEngineState::WaitingForResources)
        co_await m_game->LoadLevelAsync();

Now all of the fire-and-forget methods—in fact, all of the async code— in GameMain has been turned into coroutines. If you feel so inclined, perhaps you could look for fire-and-forget methods in other classes, and make similar changes.

The deferred discussion about co_await and the this pointer

When we were making changes to GameMain::Update, I deferred a discussion about the this pointer. Let's have that discussion here.

This applies to all of the methods we've changed so far; and it applies to all coroutines, not just fire-and-forget ones. Introducing a co_await into a method introduces a suspension point. And because of that, we have to be careful with the this pointer, which of course we make use of after the suspension point each time we access a class member.

The short story is that the solution is to call implements::get_strong. But for a complete discussion of the issue and the solution, see Safely accessing the this pointer in a class-member coroutine.

You can call implements::get_strong only in a class that derives from winrt::implements.

Derive GameMain from winrt::implements

The first change we need to make is in GameMain.h.

class GameMain :
    public DX::IDeviceNotify

GameMain will continue to implement DX::IDeviceNotify, but we'll change it to derive from winrt::implements.

class GameMain : 
    public winrt::implements<GameMain, winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable>,

Next, in App.cpp, you'll find this method.

void App::Load(Platform::String^)
    if (!m_main)
        m_main = std::unique_ptr<GameMain>(new GameMain(m_deviceResources));

But now that GameMain derives from winrt::implements, we need to construct it in a different way. In this case, we'll use the winrt::make_self function template. For more info, see Instantiating and returning implementation types and interfaces.

Replace that line of code with this.

    m_main = winrt::make_self<GameMain>(m_deviceResources);

To close the loop on that change, we'll also need to change the type of m_main. In App.h, you'll find this code.

ref class App sealed :
    public Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::IFrameworkView
    std::unique_ptr<GameMain> m_main;

Change that declaration of m_main to this.

    winrt::com_ptr<GameMain> m_main;

We can now call implements::get_strong

For GameMain::Update, and for any of the other methods we added a co_await to, here's how you can call get_strong at the beginning of a coroutine to ensure that a strong reference survives until the coroutine completes.

winrt::fire_and_forget GameMain::Update()
    auto strong_this{ get_strong() }; // Keep *this* alive.
        co_await ...

Await task<void> within a task<void> method

The next simplest case is awaiting task<void> within a method that itself returns task<void>. That's because we can co_await a task<void>, and we can co_return from one.

You'll find a very simple example in the implementation of the method Simple3DGame::LoadLevelAsync. It's in the source code file Simple3DGame.cpp.

task<void> Simple3DGame::LoadLevelAsync()
    m_levelDuration = m_level[m_currentLevel]->TimeLimit() + m_levelBonusTime;
    return m_renderer->LoadLevelResourcesAsync();

There's just some synchronous code, followed by returning the task that's created by GameRenderer::LoadLevelResourcesAsync.

Instead of returning that task, we co_await it, and then co_return the resulting void.

task<void> Simple3DGame::LoadLevelAsync()
    m_levelDuration = m_level[m_currentLevel]->TimeLimit() + m_levelBonusTime;
    co_return co_await m_renderer->LoadLevelResourcesAsync();

That doesn't look like a profound change. But now that we're calling GameRenderer::LoadLevelResourcesAsync via co_await, we're free to port it to return a winrt::IAsyncXxx instead of a task. We'll do that later in the section Port a task<void> return type to winrt::IAsyncXxx.

Await task<void> within a task<T> method

Although there are no suitable examples to be found in Simple3DGameDX, we can contrive a hypothetical example just to show the pattern.

The first line in the code example below demonstrates the simple co_await of a task<void>. Then, in order to satisfy the task<T> return type, we need to asynchronously return a StorageFile^. To do that, we co_await a Windows Runtime API, and co_return the resulting file.

task<StorageFile^> Simple3DGame::LoadLevelAndRetrieveFileAsync(
    StorageFolder^ location,
    Platform::String^ filename)
    co_await m_renderer->LoadLevelResourcesAsync();
    co_return co_await location->GetFileAsync(filename);

We could even port more of the method to C++/WinRT like this.

    StorageFolder location,
    std::wstring filename)
    co_await m_renderer->LoadLevelResourcesAsync();
    co_return co_await location.GetFileAsync(filename);

The m_renderer data member is still C++/CX in that example.

Await an IAsyncXxx^ in a task method, leaving the rest of the project unchanged

We've seen how you can co_await task<void>. You can also co_await a method that returns an IAsyncXxx, whether that's a method in your project, or an asynchronous Windows API (for example, StorageFolder.GetFileAsync, which we cooperatively awaited in the previous section).

For an example of where we can make this kind of code change, let's look at BasicReaderWriter::ReadDataAsync (you'll find it implemented in BasicReaderWriter.cpp).

Here's the original C++/CX version.

task<Platform::Array<byte>^> BasicReaderWriter::ReadDataAsync(
    _In_ Platform::String^ filename
    return task<StorageFile^>(m_location->GetFileAsync(filename)).then([=](StorageFile^ file)
        return FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(file);
    }).then([=](IBuffer^ buffer)
        auto fileData = ref new Platform::Array<byte>(buffer->Length);
        return fileData;

The code listing below shows that we can co_await Windows APIs that return IAsyncXxx^. Not only that, we can also co_return the value that BasicReaderWriter::ReadDataAsync returns asynchronously (in this case, an array of bytes). This first step shows how to make just those changes; we'll actually port the C++/CX code to C++/WinRT in the next section.

task<Platform::Array<byte>^> BasicReaderWriter::ReadDataAsync(
    _In_ Platform::String^ filename
    StorageFile^ file = co_await m_location->GetFileAsync(filename);
    IBuffer^ buffer = co_await FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(file);
    auto fileData = ref new Platform::Array<byte>(buffer->Length);
    co_return fileData;

Again, we don't need to change the callers of the methods we're changing, because we didn't change the return type.

Port ReadDataAsync (mostly) to C++/WinRT, leaving the rest of the project unchanged

We can go a step further and port the method almost entirely to C++/WinRT without needing to change any other part of the project.

The only dependency that this method has on the rest of the project is the BasicReaderWriter::m_location data member, which is a C++/CX StorageFolder^. To leave that data member unchanged, and to leave the parameter type and return type unchanged, we need only perform a couple of conversions—one at the beginning of the method, and one at the end. For that, we can use the from_cx and to_cx interop helper functions.

Here's how BasicReaderWriter::ReadDataAsync looks after porting its implementation predominantly to C++/WinRT. This is a good example of porting gradually. And this method is at the stage where we can move away from thinking of it as a C++/CX method that uses some C++/WinRT techniques, and see it as a C++/WinRT method that interoperates with C++/CX.

#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.Streams.h>
#include <robuffer.h>
task<Platform::Array<byte>^> BasicReaderWriter::ReadDataAsync(
    _In_ Platform::String^ filename)
    auto location_from_cx = from_cx<winrt::Windows::Storage::StorageFolder>(m_location);

    auto file = co_await location_from_cx.GetFileAsync(filename->Data());
    auto buffer = co_await winrt::Windows::Storage::FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(file);
    byte* bytes;
    auto byteAccess =<Windows::Storage::Streams::IBufferByteAccess>();

    co_return ref new Platform::Array<byte>(bytes, buffer.Length());


In ReadDataAsync above, we construct and return a new C++/CX array. And of course we do that to satisfy the method's return type (so that we don't have to change the rest of the project).

You may come across other examples in your own project where, after porting, you reach the end of the method and all you have is a C++/WinRT object. To co_return that, just call to_cx to convert it. There's more info about that, and an example, the next section.

Convert a winrt::IAsyncXxx<T> to a task<T>

This section deals with the situation where you've ported an asynchronous method to C++/WinRT (so that it returns a winrt::IAsyncXxx<T>), but you still have C++/CX code calling that method as if it's still returning a task.

  • One case is where T is primitive, which needs no conversion.
  • The other case is where T is a Windows Runtime type, in which case you'll need to convert that to a T^.

Convert a winrt::IAsyncXxx<T> (T is primitive) to a task<T>

The pattern in this section applies when you're asynchronously returning a primitive value (we'll use a Boolean value to illustrate). Consider an example where a method that you've already ported to C++/WinRT has this signature.

    bool value = ...
    co_return value;

You can convert a call to that method into a task like this.

task<bool> MyClass::RetrieveBoolTask()
    co_return co_await GetBoolMemberFunctionAsync();

Or like this.

task<bool> MyClass::RetrieveBoolTask()
    return concurrency::create_task(
        [this]() -> concurrency::task<bool> {
            auto result = co_await GetBoolMemberFunctionAsync();
            co_return result;

Notice that the task return type of the lambda function is explicit, because the compiler can't deduce it.

We could also call the method from within an arbitrary task chain like this. Again, with an explicit lambda return type.

.then([this]() -> concurrency::task<bool> {
    co_return co_await GetBoolMemberFunctionAsync();
}).then([this](bool result) {

Convert a winrt::IAsyncXxx<T> (T is a Windows Runtime type) to a task<T^>

The pattern in this section applies when you're asynchronously returning a Windows Runtime value (we'll use a StorageFile value to illustrate). Consider an example where a method that you've already ported to C++/WinRT has this signature.

    co_return co_await winrt::Windows::Storage::StorageFile::GetFileFromPathAsync

This next listing shows how to convert a call to that method into a task. Notice that we need to call the to_cx interop helper function to convert the returned C++/WinRT object into a C++/CX handle (also known as a hat) object.

task<Windows::Storage::StorageFile^> RetrieveStorageFileTask()
    winrt::Windows::Storage::StorageFile storageFile =
        co_await GetStorageFileMemberFunctionAsync();
    co_return to_cx<Windows::Storage::StorageFile>(storageFile);

Here's a more succinct version of that.

task<Windows::Storage::StorageFile^> RetrieveStorageFileTask()
    co_return to_cx<Windows::Storage::StorageFile>(GetStorageFileMemberFunctionAsync());

And you can even choose to wrap that pattern up into a reusable function template, and return it just like you'd normally return a task.

template<typename ResultTypeCX, typename Awaitable>
concurrency::task<ResultTypeCX^> to_task(Awaitable awaitable)
    co_return to_cx<ResultTypeCX>(co_await awaitable);

task<Windows::Storage::StorageFile^> RetrieveStorageFileTask()
    return to_task<Windows::Storage::StorageFile>(GetStorageFileMemberFunctionAsync());

If you like that idea, you might want to add to_task to interop_helpers.h.

Wrap create_async around a task that uses co_return

You can't co_return an IAsyncXxx^ directly, but you can achieve something similar. If you have a task that cooperatively returns a value, then you can wrap that inside a call to concurrency::create_async.

Here's a hypothetical example, since there isn't an example we can lift from Simple3DGameDX.

Windows::Foundation::IAsyncOperation<bool>^ MyClass::RetrieveBoolAsync()
    return concurrency::create_async(
        [this]() -> concurrency::task<bool> {
            bool result = co_await GetBoolMemberFunctionAsync();
            co_return result;

As you can see, you could obtain the return value from any method that you can co_await.

Port concurrency::wait to co_await winrt::resume_after

There are a couple of places where Simple3DGameDX uses concurrency::wait to pause the thread for a short amount of time. Here's an example.

// GameConstants.h
namespace GameConstants
    static const int InitialLoadingDelay = 2000;

// GameRenderer.cpp
task<void> GameRenderer::CreateGameDeviceResourcesAsync(_In_ Simple3DGame^ game)
    std::vector<task<void>> tasks;

The C++/WinRT version of concurrency::wait is the winrt::resume_after struct. We can co_await that struct inside a PPL task. Here's a code example.

// GameConstants.h
namespace GameConstants
    using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
    static const auto InitialLoadingDelay = 2000ms;

// GameRenderer.cpp
task<void> GameRenderer::CreateGameDeviceResourcesAsync(_In_ Simple3DGame^ game)
    std::vector<task<void>> tasks;
    tasks.push_back(create_task([]() -> task<void>
        co_await winrt::resume_after(GameConstants::InitialLoadingDelay);

Notice the two other changes that we had to make. We changed the type of GameConstants::InitialLoadingDelay to std::chrono::duration, and we made the return type of the lambda function explicit, because the compiler is no longer able to deduce it.

Port a task<void> return type to winrt::IAsyncXxx


At this stage in our work with Simple3DGameDX, all of the places in the project that call Simple3DGame::LoadLevelAsync use co_await to call it.

That means that we can simply change that method's return type from task<void> to winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction (leaving the rest of it unchanged).

winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction Simple3DGame::LoadLevelAsync()
    m_levelDuration = m_level[m_currentLevel]->TimeLimit() + m_levelBonusTime;
    co_return co_await m_renderer->LoadLevelResourcesAsync();

It should now be fairly mechanical to port the rest of that method, and its dependencies (such as m_level, and so on), to C++/WinRT.


Here's the original C++/CX version of GameRenderer::LoadLevelResourcesAsync.

// GameConstants.h
namespace GameConstants
    static const int LevelLoadingDelay = 500;

// GameRenderer.cpp
task<void> GameRenderer::LoadLevelResourcesAsync()
    m_levelResourcesLoaded = false;

    return create_task([this]()

Simple3DGame::LoadLevelAsync is the only place in the project that calls GameRenderer::LoadLevelResourcesAsync, and it already uses co_await to call it.

So there's no longer any need for GameRenderer::LoadLevelResourcesAsync to return a task—it can return a winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction instead. And the implementation itself is simple enough to port completely to C++/WinRT. That involves making the same change we made in Port concurrency::wait to co_await winrt::resume_after. And there are no significant dependencies on the rest of the project to worry about.

So here's how the method looks after porting it completely to C++/WinRT.

// GameConstants.h
namespace GameConstants
    using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
    static const auto LevelLoadingDelay = 500ms;

// GameRenderer.cpp
winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction GameRenderer::LoadLevelResourcesAsync()
    m_levelResourcesLoaded = false;
    co_return co_await winrt::resume_after(GameConstants::LevelLoadingDelay);

The goal—fully port a method to C++/WinRT

Let's wrap up this walkthrough with an example of the end goal, by fully porting the method BasicReaderWriter::ReadDataAsync to C++/WinRT.

Last time we looked at this method (in the section Port ReadDataAsync (mostly) to C++/WinRT, leaving the rest of the project unchanged), it was mostly ported to C++/WinRT. But it still returned a task of Platform::Array<byte>^.

task<Platform::Array<byte>^> BasicReaderWriter::ReadDataAsync(
    _In_ Platform::String^ filename)
    auto location_from_cx = from_cx<winrt::Windows::Storage::StorageFolder>(m_location);

    auto file = co_await location_from_cx.GetFileAsync(filename->Data());
    auto buffer = co_await winrt::Windows::Storage::FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(file);
    byte* bytes;
    auto byteAccess =<Windows::Storage::Streams::IBufferByteAccess>();

    co_return ref new Platform::Array<byte>(bytes, buffer.Length());

Instead of returning a task, we'll change it to return an IAsyncOperation. And instead of returning an array of bytes via that IAsyncOperation, we'll instead return a C++/WinRT IBuffer object. That will also require a minor change to the code at the call sites, as we'll see.

Here's how the method looks after porting its implementation, its parameter, and the m_location data member to use C++/WinRT syntax and objects.

    _In_ winrt::hstring const& filename)
    StorageFile file{ co_await m_location.GetFileAsync(filename) };
    co_return co_await FileIO::ReadBufferAsync(file);

winrt::array_view<byte> BasicLoader::GetBufferView(
    winrt::Windows::Storage::Streams::IBuffer const& buffer)
    byte* bytes;
    auto byteAccess =<Windows::Storage::Streams::IBufferByteAccess>();
    return { bytes, bytes + buffer.Length() };

As you can see, BasicReaderWriter::ReadDataAsync itself is much simpler, because we've factored into its own method the synchronous logic that retrieves bytes from the buffer.

But now we need to port the call sites from this kind of structure in C++/CX.

task<void> BasicLoader::LoadTextureAsync(...)
    return m_basicReaderWriter->ReadDataAsync(filename).then(
        [=](const Platform::Array<byte>^ textureData)

To this pattern in C++/WinRT.

winrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction BasicLoader::LoadTextureAsync(...)
    auto textureBuffer = co_await m_basicReaderWriter.ReadDataAsync(filename);
    auto textureData = GetBufferView(textureBuffer);

Important APIs