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Custom Data Channels with Holographic Remoting and the OpenXR API

Use custom data channels to send custom data over an established remoting connection.


Custom data channels require a custom remote app and a custom player app. This allows communication between the two custom apps.


A simple ping-pong example can be found in the remote and player samples inside the Holographic Remoting samples github repository. Uncomment #define ENABLE_CUSTOM_DATA_CHANNEL_SAMPLE inside the OpenXrProgramm.cpp and SamplePlayerMain.h files to enable the sample code.


The detailed specification can be found in the Holographic Remoting samples github repository.

Create a Custom Data Channel

A custom data channel is defined by the XrRemotingDataChannelMSFT handle:

XrRemotingDataChannelMSFT m_userDataChannel;

After a connection is successfully established, new data channels can be created via the xrCreateRemotingDataChannelMSFT function:

XrRemotingDataChannelCreateInfoMSFT channelInfo{static_cast<XrStructureType>(XR_TYPE_REMOTING_DATA_CHANNEL_CREATE_INFO_MSFT)};
channelInfo.channelId = 0;
CHECK_XRCMD(m_extensions.xrCreateRemotingDataChannelMSFT(m_instance.Get(), m_systemId, &channelInfo, &m_userDataChannel));

Custom data channels can be created from the player and the remote application even if the runtimes are different. If a data channel is created by the player side, the remote side is notified with the XrEventDataRemotingDataChannelCreatedMSFT event structure:

XrEventDataBuffer eventData{};
while (pollEvent(eventData)) 
    switch (eventData.type) 
            auto channelCreatedEventData = reinterpret_cast<const XrEventDataRemotingDataChannelCreatedMSFT*>(&eventData);
            m_userDataChannel = channelCreatedEventData->channel;

The initial XrRemotingDataChannelStatusMSFT state after calling xrCreateRemotingDataChannelMSFT is XR_REMOTING_DATA_CHANNEL_STATUS_OPEN_PENDING_MSFT. Once the data channel has been fully established, the channel`s state switches to XR_REMOTING_DATA_CHANNEL_STATUS_OPENED_MSFT. The XrEventDataRemotingDataChannelOpenedMSFT event structure is placed in the event queue when the state of a previously created data channel switches from XR_REMOTING_DATA_CHANNEL_STATUS_OPEN_PENDING_MSFT to XR_REMOTING_DATA_CHANNEL_STATUS_OPENED_MSFT.

Get the Channel State

The xrGetRemotingDataChannelStateMSFT function can be used to query the data channel state:

XrRemotingDataChannelStateMSFT channelState{static_cast<XrStructureType>(XR_TYPE_REMOTING_DATA_CHANNEL_STATE_MSFT)};
CHECK_XRCMD(m_extensions.xrGetRemotingDataChannelStateMSFT(m_userDataChannel, &channelState));

Send Data

If the channel is open the xrSendRemotingDataMSFT function is used to send data to the player side:

if (channelState.connectionStatus == XR_REMOTING_DATA_CHANNEL_STATUS_OPENED_MSFT) {
    // Only send the packet if the send queue is smaller than 1MiB
    if (channelState.sendQueueSize >= 1 * 1024 * 1024) {
    uint8_t data[] = {1};

    XrRemotingDataChannelSendDataInfoMSFT sendInfo{
        static_cast<XrStructureType>(XR_TYPE_REMOTING_DATA_CHANNEL_SEND_DATA_INFO_MSFT)}; = data;
    sendInfo.size = sizeof(data);
    sendInfo.guaranteedDelivery = true;
    CHECK_XRCMD(m_extensions.xrSendRemotingDataMSFT(m_userDataChannel, &sendInfo));


The data you send over a custom data channel shares the bandwidth with other data channels Holographic Remoting uses.

Retrieve Data

Every time data arrives via a data channel, an XrEventDataRemotingDataChannelDataReceivedMSFT event structure is placed into the event queue. Received packets can be retrieved with the xrRetrieveRemotingDataMSFT function:

XrEventDataBuffer eventData{};
while (pollEvent(eventData)) 
    switch (eventData.type) 
            auto dataReceivedEventData = reinterpret_cast<const XrEventDataRemotingDataChannelDataReceivedMSFT*>(&eventData);
            std::vector<uint8_t> packet(dataReceivedEventData->size);
            uint32_t dataBytesCount;

Destroy a Data Channel

You can destroy a data channel with xrDestroyRemotingDataChannelMSFT:


The XrRemotingDataChannelMSFT handle is invalid after the xrDestroyRemotingDataChannelMSFT call and the data channel handle must not be used afterwards.

The XrEventDataRemotingDataChannelClosedMSFT will be placed in the event queue in case the player side closes or destroys the data channel. The data channel state switches to XR_REMOTING_DATA_CHANNEL_STATUS_CLOSED_MSFT. For a closed data channel, the XrRemotingDataChannelMSFT handle remains valid.

See Also