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WinML native APIs

The Windows Machine Learning native APIs are located in


The following is a list of the WinML native APIs with their syntax and descriptions.


Name Description
ILearningModelDeviceFactoryNative Provides access to factory methods that enable the creation of ILearningModelDevice objects using ID3D12CommandQueue.
ITensorNative Provides access to an ITensor as an array of bytes or ID3D12Resource objects.
ITensorStaticsNative Provides access to factory methods that enable the creation of ITensor objects using ID3D12Resource.


Name Description
ILearningModelOperatorProviderNative Provides access to IMLOperatorRegistry objects containing custom operator registrations.


Use the following resources for help with Windows ML:

  • To ask or answer technical questions about Windows ML, please use the windows-machine-learning tag on Stack Overflow.
  • To report a bug, please file an issue on our GitHub.