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WPR Control Functions


HRESULT WPRCCreateInstance(_In_  REFCLSID rclsid, _In_opt_ LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, _In_  DWORD dwClsContext, _In_  REFIID riid, _Outptr_  LPVOID *ppv)
HRESULT  WPRCCreateInstanceUnderInstanceName(_In_opt_ BSTR bstrInstanceName, _In_  REFCLSID rclsid, _In_opt_ LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter, _In_  DWORD dwClsContext, _In_  REFIID riid, _Outptr_  LPVOID *ppv)
HRESULT WPRCQueryBuiltInProfiles(_In_  HMODULE hModule, _Out_  BSTR* pbstrProfiles)
HRESULT WPRCFormatError(_In_ HRESULT Hresult, _In_opt_ LPUNKNOWN pUnknown, _Out_ BSTR* pbstrMessage, _Out_opt_ BSTR* pbstrDescription, _Out_opt_ BSTR* pbstrDetailedDescription)
HRESULT WPRCControlLogging(_In_ BOOL fEnabled)
HRESULT WPRCRemoveLogging();
HRESULT WPRCDisableBuiltinProfiles();
HRESULT WPRCReleaseInstanceByName(_In_ BSTR bstrInstanceName);


The following table describes the functions that this interface provides.

Function Description
WPRCCreateInstance This function creates an instance of a specified class.
WPRCCreateInstanceUnderInstanceName This function creates an instance of a specified class, with the option to specify the instance name.
WPRCQueryBuiltInProfiles This function queries the built-in profiles of a specified module.
WPRCFormatError This function designed to format error messages based on HRESULT error codes.
WPRCControlLogging WPRCControlLogging is a function designed to enable or disable logging.
WPRCRemoveLogging WPRCRemoveLogging is a function designed to remove or disable the logging mechanism.
WPRCDisableBuiltinProfiles WPRCDisableBuiltinProfiles is a function disables the built-in profiles.
WPRCReleaseInstanceByName WPRCReleaseInstanceByName is a function designed to release or dispose of an instance identified by its name.


Most functions require administrator privileges.