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Handling Client-Implemented Sequences

The optional EvtSpbControllerLock and EvtSpbControllerUnlock event callback functions perform complementary operations. The EvtSpbControllerLock function is a handler for IOCTL_SPB_LOCK_CONTROLLER requests. The EvtSpbControllerUnlock function is a handler for IOCTL_SPB_UNLOCK_CONTROLLER requests. A client (that is, the driver for a peripheral device on the bus) sends these requests to start and end I/O transfer sequences. Most SPB controller drivers do not support IOCTL_SPB_LOCK_CONTROLLER and IOCTL_SPB_UNLOCK_CONTROLLER requests and, therefore, do not implement EvtSpbControllerLock and EvtSpbControllerUnlock functions.

A client can perform an I/O transfer sequence as a series of simple transfer requests (that is, IRP_MJ_READ and IRP_MJ_WRITE requests). The first transfer in the sequence must be preceded by an IOCTL_SPB_LOCK_CONTROLLER request—this request tells the SPB controller driver to lock the bus for the duration of the I/O transfer sequence. The last transfer must be followed by an IOCTL_SPB_UNLOCK_CONTROLLER request, which tells the driver to unlock the bus. This type of I/O transfer sequence is called a client-implemented sequence to distinguish it from a single-request sequence, which uses an IOCTL_SPB_EXECUTE_SEQUENCE request instead of IOCTL_SPB_LOCK_CONTROLLER and IOCTL_SPB_UNLOCK_CONTROLLER requests.

While the driver for a peripheral device holds a lock on the bus, the bus controller allows access to no other peripheral devices on the bus. The details of the bus-locking operation depend on the bus type. For an I2C controller, a change in transfer direction (a read followed by a write, or vice versa) requires an I2C restart operation. For an SPI controller, the chip-select to the target device must remain asserted while the controller lock remains in effect. For more information, see Atomic Bus Operations.

Support for client-implemented transfer sequences is optional. Your SPB controller driver should claim to support them only if the controller can do the following:

  • Lock the bus for the duration of the client-implemented sequence.
  • Unlock the bus at any time. For example, if an unlock request occurs between byte transfers, the controller should be able to unlock the bus without waiting for the next byte transfer over the bus.

While the bus is locked, the client can send an arbitrary sequence of simple transfer requests. That is, the sequence can be of arbitrary length and can be any combination of reads and writes.

To indicate support for client-implemented sequences, an SPB controller driver implements an EvtSpbControllerUnlock function. If your driver implements this function, the SPB framework extension (SpbCx) accepts IOCTL_SPB_LOCK_CONTROLLER and IOCTL_SPB_UNLOCK_CONTROLLER requests from clients. Otherwise, SpbCx fails these requests by completing them with the STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED status code.

An SPB controller driver that implements an EvtSpbControllerUnlock function is not required to implement an EvtSpbControllerLock function. However, an SPB controller driver that implements an EvtSpbControllerLock function must also implement an EvtSpbControllerUnlock function.

If your driver implements an EvtSpbControllerUnlock function but not an EvtSpbControllerLock function, SpbCx calls the EvtSpbControllerUnlock function to handle IOCTL_SPB_UNLOCK_CONTROLLER requests, but simply completes IOCTL_SPB_LOCK_CONTROLLER requests with STATUS_SUCCESS status codes.

Your driver has two ways to detect the start of a client-implemented sequence. First, if your driver implements an EvtSpbControllerLock function, SpbCx calls this function to handle an IOCTL_SPB_LOCK_CONTROLLER requests from a client. The driver can rely on this call occurring before the first transfer request in a sequence. Second, if your driver does not implement an EvtSpbControllerLock function, the driver can call the SpbRequestGetParameters method when the driver handles a simple transfer request from the client. To indicate that the requested transfer is the first transfer in a sequence, this method sets the Position member in the method's output structure to SpbRequestSequencePositionFirst.

The EvtSpbControllerUnlock callback is the only way that a driver can determine when a sequence ends. A driver that does not implement an EvtSpbControllerUnlock function cannot support client-implemented sequences.