
Del via

WDI TLV generator/parser memory interface

The parser and generator internally use C++ with new/delete. This simplifies several implementation details. This means that consumers of the library must provide overloaded operator implementations of these APIs when linking to the library. This is the only C++ dependency that your code must take.

All APIs that do any allocations take a parameter Context typed as PCTLV_CONTEXT which has 2 fields: a ULONG_PTR named AllocationContext and a ULONG named PeerVersion. The AllocationContext field is passed through to the overloaded new operator. This allows consumers of the APIs to customize the allocation in various ways. For more information about the TLV_CONTEXT parameter, see WDI TLV versioning.

Warning  Although you may be tempted to skip calling the library’s cleanup routines (such as FreeParsed, CleanupParsed, and FreeGenerated), do not skip calling them! It might work on some code paths, but will lead to hard-to-diagnose memory leaks.

Here is a sample overloaded operator.

Module Name:
    Contains sample code to override C++ new/delete for use with TLV parser/generator library
    Kernel mode
#include "precomp.h"


void* __cdecl operator new(size_t Size, ULONG_PTR AllocationContext)
  Override C++ allocation operator.
    PVOID pData = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPoolNx, Size, TLV_POOL_TAG);
    if (pData != NULL)
        RtlZeroMemory( pData, Size);
    return pData;

void __cdecl operator delete(void* pData)
  Override C++ delete operator.
    if (pData != NULL)
        ExFreePoolWithTag(pData, TLV_POOL_TAG);