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MBAE deprecation warning


Starting in Windows 10, version 1803, the MBAE app experience is replaced by an MO UWP app. For more information about MO UWP apps, see UWP mobile broadband apps.

The ModelIDList element specifies one or more GUIDs. Each GUID is specified through a ModelID element, and identifies a physical device specified within the device metadata package.

Caution   The ModelIDList and ModelID elements are not supported for service metadata packages. You must use the HardwareIDList and HardwareID elements instead.


  child elements


There are no attributes.

Child elements

Element Description


The ModelID element specifies the GUID of a physical device.

Parent elements

Element Description


The MetadataKey element specifies the attributes of the device metadata package. These include the following:

  • The identifier for each hardware function supported by the device.

  • The language-specific locale for the text strings within the package.


<xs:element name="ModelIDList" type="tns:ModelIDListType" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:complexType name="ModelIDListType">
    <xs:element name="ModelID" type="tns:GUIDType" maxOccurs="unbounded" />


The ModelIDList element is required only if the HardwareIDList element is not specified in the MetadataKey element. If it is specified, the ModelIDList element must contain one or more ModelID elements. If your device metadata package supports multiple device models or model IDs, you can specify a ModelID element for each device model.

Caution   The ModelIDList and ModelID elements are not supported for service metadata packages. You must use the HardwareIDList and HardwareID elements instead.

If the PackageInfo XML data contains both of the HardwareIDList and ModelIDList elements, the operating system uses the following rules when it determines whether a device is specified by a device metadata package:

  • If the device has a model ID, the operating system does not search for a match in the HardwareIDList element. For more information about model IDs, see ModelID.

  • Otherwise, the operating searches the HardwareIDList element for a match of the device's hardware ID.