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TTD Range Objects


TTD Range objects are used to give information about a range of time in a trace. These are generally used to describe the lifetime of a TTD thread object during a TTD session.


Object Description
MinPosition A position object that describes the earliest position relevant to the range.
MaxPosition A position object that describes the latest position relevant to the range.

Example Usage

In this example the MinPosition and MaxPosition objects are shown for Lifetime and ActiveTime associated with a thread.

0:003> dx -r1 @$curprocess.TTD.Threads[5]
@$curprocess.TTD.Threads[5]                 : UID: 7, TID: 0x2580
    UniqueId         : 0x7
    Id               : 0x2580
    Lifetime         : [BAF:0, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE:0]
    ActiveTime       : [BB2:0, C6A:0]
    GatherMemoryUse  [Gather inputs, outputs and memory used by a range of execution within a thread]

0:003> dx -r1 @$curprocess.TTD.Threads[5].Lifetime
@$curprocess.TTD.Threads[5].Lifetime                 : [BAF:0, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE:0]
    MinPosition      : BAF:0 [Time Travel]
    MaxPosition      : FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE:0 [Time Travel]

0:003> dx -r1 @$curprocess.TTD.Threads[5].ActiveTime
@$curprocess.TTD.Threads[5].ActiveTime                 : [BB2:0, C6A:0]
    MinPosition      : BB2:0 [Time Travel]
    MaxPosition      : C6A:0 [Time Travel]

See Also

Time Travel Debugging - Introduction to Time Travel Debugging objects

Time Travel Debugging - Overview

dx (Display Debugger Object Model Expression)