Remote Debugging
Remote user-mode debugging involves two computers: the client and the server. The server is the computer that runs the application to be debugged. The server also runs the user-mode debugger or a process server. The client is the computer that remotely controls the debugging session.
Remote kernel-mode debugging involves three computers: the client, the server, and the target computer. The target computer is the computer to be debugged. The server is a computer that runs the kernel debugger or a KD connection server. The client is the computer that remotely controls the debugging session.
There are important security considerations when using remote debugging. For more information, including information on enabling secure mode, see Security During Remote Debugging and Security Considerations for Windows Debugging Tools.
Choosing the Best Remote Debugging Method
Remote Debugging Through the Debugger
Controlling the User-Mode Debugger from the Kernel Debugger
Remote Debugging Through Remote.exe