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Failure Analysis Entries

A DebugFailureAnalysis object has a collection of failure analysis entries. For more information, see Failure Analysis Entries, Tags, and Data Types.

A failure analysis entry (also called an FA entry) is one of the following:

The DataSize member of the FA_ENTRY structure holds the size, in bytes, of the data block. If there is no data block, DataSize is equal to 0. The Tag member of an FA_ENTRY structure identifies the kind of information that is stored in the FA entry. For example, the tag DEBUG_FLR_BUGCHECK_CODE indicates that the data block of the FA_ENTRY holds a bug check code.

In some cases, there is no need for a data block; all the information is conveyed by the tag. For example, an FA_ENTRY with tag DEBUG_FLR_KERNEL_VERIFIER_ENABLED has no data block.

Each tag is associated with one of the data types in the FA_ENTRY_TYPE enumeration. For example, the tag DEBUG_FLR_BUGCHECK_CODE is associated with the data type DEBUG_FA_ENTRY_ULONG. To determine the data type of a tag, call the GetType method of the IDebugFAEntryTags interface.

To get or set the data block of an FA entry, use the IDebugFailureAnalysis2 interface.

See also

Writing an Analysis Extension Plug-in to Extend !analyze